Words from the Prez for April 2012

Post date: Apr 12, 2012 4:38:21 PM

April is here and what an action packed month!  It is filled with testing, testing, testing and more testing.  Of course with testing comes lots of stress.  Do you best to relax, take some time to do something just for you, and enjoy the remainder of the school year.  All the students in the district are well-prepared for testing and our district is filled with teachers who spend time, much of it our own time, to make sure that every student in the district is reaching their potential. This year at the OEA Delegate Assembly the Bartlesville Education will receive the 5 star award.  This award involves the work of many people.  Also the BEA Line by Judy Allen will be receiving the Golden Apple Award and the Fourth Estate will be receiving FIVE, Marshall Gregory Awards for their reporting on education issues.  All of the recipients have worked tirelessly to support and improve public Education! Recently, the SB1530 was heard before the House Appropriations and Budget Committee.  This bill, the School District Empowerment Program, would have taken many of our rights away, not only as teachers but as a union.  Luckily our legislators listened to us and it was voted down with a vote count of 8-4.  While it has been voted down at this time, it can still be resurrected and resurface at any time.  Continue to let your legislators know how you feel about some of their bills.  If you need more information about the bills please visit the OEA website to learn more.

SAVE THE DATE:  Stand Up For Public Education Rally

When:  Saturday, May 5, 2012              Time:    9am – 2pm                                    Where:  State Capitol of Oklahoma, NW 23rd Street and Lincoln Blvd.

Kelli Bryant     BEA President