Words from the Prez, December 2014

Post date: Dec 12, 2014 3:52:05 PM

Can you believe that it is already December? Christmas is just around the corner and a new year is almost here! This is the time of year when people are counting their blessings, giving

thanks and wanting to help those in need. Knowing that it made me think of different tragedies that families have been faced with in the past week and it brought to mind the very recent passing of former school board member, Barry Lowe.

Many of us know that he fought his illness long, hard and with great courage and strength. While some educators did not always agree with his ideas or philosophies, we knew that his

heart was with the children, especially those that are less fortunate than others, and he always wanted to help them. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family in their time of

sorrow. Mr. Lowe was a wonderful man with a great heart, who always wanted to do what he could to help children and education.

I hope that you have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Kelli Bryant, BEA President