Words from the Prez, December 2009

Post date: Dec 10, 2009 5:31:30 PM

This is the season for all of us to count our blessings and look closely at the things we are thankful for. Although there will always be some issues, we are all lucky to have a great place to work and great people to work with. I want to thank all of the BEA officers who have helped me so much throughout the first part of this year. I also want to thank the building reps for all they do to help in their buildings. A special thank you goes to the Reps. and members who helped build a basket for the Special Olympics from the BEA. It was greatly appreciated.

On another note, I want to congratulate Gail Stone for being our November Surprise winner. She was reading along in her BEA Line and "Surprise!" she saw her name. Gail emailed me and has won a $15.00 gift Certificate to Rib Crib. Thanks again Rib Crib for your donation to the BEA.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!!
