Wait and see on quantitative TLE measures

Post date: Feb 5, 2016 6:30:35 PM

TLE Presentation for Bart... Perez, January 2016.pptx

Dr. Jason Perez is the Executive Director of Teacher & Leader Effectiveness (TLE) at the Oklahoma State Department of Education (OSDE). He came to Bartlesville on January 25 to present to the district Teacher Appraisal Committee about changes in the teacher appraisal system.

In the 2015 legislative session TLE was amended yet again by Senate Bill 706, authored by Bartlesville's Senator John Ford, to halt the implementation of quantitative measures until a new list of accepted measures could be recommended by the state TLE Commission and approved by the State Board of Education. 

In December the commission recommended the use of Teacher Portfolios, OSDE-Approved Diagnostic Tools (such as Reading Sufficiency Act assessments), and District-Approved Benchmark Assessments, in addition to the existing Value-Added Measures being generated annually by Roster Verification and student performance on mandated state tests. The State Board elected to add Student Surveys to the list, with their presumed intention being research-based surveys available nationwide.

Current law under SB 706 requires that districts begin using quantitative measures from the approved list for evaluations in 2016-2017, although the quantitative ratings will not be used for employment purposes until 2017-2018.

Dr. Perez cautioned the Bartlesville committee members that he expects additional legislation to further modify TLE, and he suggested that we wait and see what new laws are enacted before investing too much time and effort into the new list of quantitative measures.  He provided a summary of relevant bills that have been filed. See the right sidebar of this article for links to each bill.