Teacher Appraisals Update

Post date: Nov 11, 2011 5:45:06 PM

Back in May 2010 Governor Henry signed into law SB 2033 on Performance Pay & Evaluation, which required development of a new statewide Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Evaluation System (TLE) by December 2011 and mandated that it become basis of certified staff appraisals no later than 2013-2014. The law stipulated several conditions for teacher appraisals. They are shown below, along with the preliminary recommendations from the TLE commission charged with recommending an implementation plan to the state board of education:

Bartlesville's own Senator John Ford, who will be at a public BEA meeting at the Hoover Elementary School library at 4:15 p.m. on Wednesday, November 16, chairs the commission, which will meet on December 5 to finalize its recommendation to the State Board of Education.

You should feel free to comment on these preliminary recommendations. Send an email with written comments to Alicia Currin-Moore, Executive Director, Teacher and Leader Effectiveness, Oklahoma State Department of Education at Alicia_Currin-Moore@sde.state.ok.us 

Five teachers from the Bartlesville Education Association (Kelli Bryant, Stacy Gerth, Sheila Stephenson, Granger Meador, and Rhonda Layman) will be meeting during second semester with district central office administrators (Dr. Quinn, Ms. Martinez, Mr. Herriman, and Mr. McCauley) and school board member Nikki Benson to consider the TLE pilots promulgated by the State Board of Education. That group will recommend what, if anything, should be considered during summer bargaining regarding teacher appraisals in 2012-2013.