State Revenue Summary

Post date: Apr 26, 2012 2:34:03 PM

The attached file from the Oklahoma Policy Institute documents the erosion of state funding for the past four years and how the recovery is slow and incomplete.

Ongoing efforts by our governor and other policymakers to reduce or even eliminate the state income tax are extremely dangerous. Once a state tax is reduced, the reduction is likely permanent.

A constitutional amendment from the 1990s means that the legislature has to muster an incredible 75% supermajority to increase a tax, or a majority of the legislature has to send the increase to a vote of the people with the approval of the governor.

So if the legislature continues to erode our tax base, it is VERY DIFFICULT to make up the loss in the next downturn (and schools are still far below pre-recession funding levels). Those who say property taxes will increase to compensate for the loss of income tax overlook this fact. It is far more likely that reductions in the income tax will mean continued funding losses for schools. You'll likely see class sizes keep growing and no money for salary increases, not even to keep up with the rising cost of living.

Teachers need to be vocal about the impact these policies will have on their students and schools.  The legislature may well be driving the school bus off a cliff.