Schedule Your Flu Shot at the Health Department

Post date: Oct 27, 2011 7:40:51 PM

Many teachers choose to get a flu shot because of the germs children tend to spread. The Washington County Health Department said it would NOT be conducting the day-long flu shot clinic this year, but the good news is that teachers enrolled in the state's HealthChoice insurance program can present their insurance cards at a county health department and the fee for the vaccine will be roster billed back to HealthChoice.

You need to call the Washington County Health Department at 918-335-3005 and make an appointment. They will ask for your name, address, date of birth, and if you have HealthChoice insurance. Even if you do not have HealthChoice, they can tell what their fee would be for a shot and it is probably cheaper than the for-profit shots given elsewhere.

After-school appointments are filling up fast, so call today!