November Words From the Prez

Post date: Feb 19, 2018 3:41:17 AM

I’ve been reading all the “Thankful” posts that have started appearing on my Facebook page this November. I enjoy reading them and I know that expressing gratitude is a great way to stay positive and focused on the things in life that really matter. For years, I’ve made it a habit to reflect each day on at least three things I’m grateful for or that were positive that day. As I have watched the special legislative session unfold, I’ve become increasingly frustrated and even very negative about the state of public education in Oklahoma. While I believe these feelings are certainly justified (and they keep me motivated to continue fighting for teachers and students), I thought I would try to come up with three things I’m thankful for professionally. 1. I work for a truly amazing school district with an administration and school board that are incredibly supportive. 2. My co-workers are fantastic, dedicated professionals who go above and beyond daily for their students. 3. I teach first grade so at least one really funny or touching thing happens to me daily. Not long ago I got a big hug from a student who inhaled deeply and exclaimed, “I love how you smell. You smell just like my grandma’s car”. Thanksgiving Break is just around the corner! Enjoy your break and take some time to reflect on the positive things.

  Heather Boyle BEA President