May 2013 Words from the Prez

Post date: Sep 20, 2013 12:25:49 PM

[My apologies; this did not get posted in the end-of-school rush in May. - Granger]

May 2013 Words from the Prez:

 I can’t believe that it is already May!  Soon school will be out for the summer and it will be time to take a relaxing break.  It is with mixed feelings that I write my last letter as the President of the Bartlesville Education Association.  I am so proud and privileged to have served as your president for the last two years, and humbled that we have so many members that are willing to step up and help out when help is needed.

Last week, myself, along with three others, attended the delegate assembly in MidWest City.  There were many items of new business but in my opinion the most important discussions that the assembly had involved the consolidation of our pension plan with the police, fire and stat employees.  That would mean all of our money would be put in one pot and the teachers would no longer have any say in who handled the money or where that money would be invested.  I strongly urge you to call or email our state senator, John Ford and state representative, Earl Sears, to tell them your thoughts on this measure.  Consolidation basically means that we are putting all of our “eggs” in one basket.  Again, in my opinion, that is never a good idea.

Another item that was brought to our attention was a group entitled the ALEC group, American Legislative Exchange Council, is a corporate-funded group. Global corporations and state politicians vote behind closed doors to try to rewrite state laws that govern your rights. These so-called "model bills" reach into almost every area of American life and often directly benefit huge corporations. This group is coming to Oklahoma soon and we want to let them know that they aren’t welcome here.  To find out which government officials and corporations are sponsors of the ALEC group you can visit the following website:

Again, I am so blessed and fortunate to work with the wonderful educators in our district and to have been able to serve as your president for the past two years.  Have a great May and a wonderful summer break!

Kelli Bryant BEA President