February Words from the Prez

Post date: Feb 11, 2010 12:52:49 AM

Congratulations to all of those who received their National Boards check this week. It is nice to see the rewards of hard work. Please note that the OEA worked very hard and had a strong hand in making that happen this year. If you know anyone who has attained their National Boards and is not a BEA member, let them know the importance of the OEA and the difference they make in our profession.

I also want to congratulate Bonnie Moore for being our January “Hidden Member”.  After finding her name, Bonnie emailed me and has won a $15.00 gift Certificate to Rib Crib. Thanks again Rib Crib for your generous donation to the BEA.

Be watching for information on the HOPE issue. Soon we will have to get back out and start talking to people and letting them know how important HOPE is to our schools.

Have a great February,
