Board Approves 2010-2011 Budget Plan; May be Revisited on June 3

Post date: May 18, 2010 12:47:07 AM

On May 17 the Board of Education approved the 2010-2011 budget plan previously recommended by the Superintendent's Budget Development Committee, but including three revisions which were recommended by Superintendent Quinn:

There was extensive discussion among the board members about dipping further into the fund balance and how that might save more teaching positions, help pay for math textbooks which are not being purchased under the current plan, etc.  Their clear intent at this point is to see what the state cuts actually turn out to be (the legislature is expected to act within the next nine days), have the Superintendent's Budget Development Committee reconvene to reprioritize and reconsider their recommendation in light of that funding, and the Board would then consider any changes in the budget plan at its scheduled special meeting on June 3.


Here is a list of the budget changes being made under the currently adopted plan (they are no longer in strict priority order):