
    • María del Mar Rubio Varas and Beatriz Muñoz Delgado

Title: Long-Term Diversification Paths and Energy Transitions in Europe

Journal: Ecological Economics

Publisher: Elsevier

Date: 2019

    • Donato Fernández Navarrete and Beatriz Muñoz Delgado

Chapter title: La imagen económica exterior de España

Book title: Imágenes y percepciones. La inserción de España en el mundo actual

Publisher: Sílex

Date: 2019 (foreseen)

Place: Madrid

    • Beatriz Muñoz Delgado and M. d. M. Rubio Varas

Chapter title: Energy planning, nuclear promises and realities

Book title: The Economic History of Nuclear Energy in Spain. Governance, Business and Finance

Publisher: Palgrave

Date: 2017

Place: UK

    • M. d. Mar Rubio Varas and Beatriz Muñoz Delgado

Title: 200 years diversifying the energy mix? Diversification paths of the energy baskets of European early comers vs. latecomers

Economic History Working Papers 01/2017

Publisher: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid

Date: 2017

Place: Madrid

    • Beatriz Muñoz, Javier García-Verdugo and Enrique San Martín

Title: Quantifying the geopolitical dimension of energy risks: A tool for energy modelling and planning

Journal: Energy 82 (2015) 479-500

Publisher: Elsevier Ltd.

Date: 2015/03

Place: England


    • Beatriz Muñoz and Mar Rubio

Chapter title: La dependencia energética exterior de España, 1900-2010

Book title: Historia de la política exterior española en los siglos XX y XXI

Date: 2015

Place: Madrid

    • Javier García-Verdugo, Beatriz Muñoz and Enrique San Martín

Title: Una propuesta metodológica para la cuantificación de los aspectos geopolíticos de la seguridad energética

Publication: Revista de Economía Mundial, Vol. 38

Date: 2014

Place: Madrid

    • Enrique San Martín, Beatriz Muñoz and Alejandro Lorca

Chapter title: Vulnerabilidad Energética

Book title: Seguridad nacional. Una visión española

Publisher: Editorial LID

Date: 2014

Place: Madrid

Book's website

    • Gonzalo Escribano and Beatriz Muñoz

Chapter title: Política de Comercio Exterior

Book title: Política económica de España, 9ª edición, Alianza Editorial

Date: 2013

Place: Madrid

Cover and index of the book

    • Beatriz Muñoz

Title: Turquía y la seguridad energética de la UE

PhD Dissertation

Date: 2012

    • Enrique San Martín and Beatriz Muñoz

Chapter title: El papel de Turquía como piedra angular en la cooperación energética UE-Turquía-Asia Central

Book title: Propuestas de política económica ante los desafíos actuales

Publisher: Delta Publicaciones

Date: 2012

Place: Madrid

Cover and index of the book

    • Javier García-Verdugo and Beatriz Muñoz

Chapter title: Energy dependence, vulnerability and the geopolitical context: A quantitative approach to energy security

Book title: Energy Security for the EU in the 21st Century: Markets, Geopolitics and Corridors

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2012

Place: Oxon (UK), New York (USA)

View inside this book

    • José María Marín-Quemada, Carlos Velasco and Beatriz Muñoz

Chapter title: Competition and complementarity in the international energy markets: The EU’s Energy Affinity Index

Book title: Energy Security for the EU in the 21st Century: Markets, Geopolitics and Corridors

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2012

Place: Oxon (UK), New York (USA)

View inside this book

    • Javier García-Verdugo, Enrique San Martín and Beatriz Muñoz

Chapter title: Quantifying geopolitical energy risks: The Socioeconomic Energy Risk Index

Book title: Energy Security for the EU in the 21st Century: Markets, Geopolitics and Corridors

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2012

Place: Oxon (UK), New York (USA)

View inside this book

    • José María Marín-Quemada, Carlos Velasco and Beatriz Muñoz

Chapter title: Energy security of supply and EU energy policy

Book title: Energy Security for the EU in the 21st Century: Markets, Geopolitics and Corridors

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2012

Place: Oxon (UK), New York (USA)

View inside this book

    • José María Marín-Quemada and Beatriz Muñoz

Chapter title: Guidelines for a European energy security policy

Book title: Energy Security for the EU in the 21st Century: Markets, Geopolitics and Corridors

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2012

Place: Oxon (UK), New York (USA)

View inside this book

    • José María Marín-Quemada and Beatriz Muñoz

Chapter title: Socioeconomic energy risk and energy affinity: Defining strategies for the EU

Book title: Energy Security for the EU in the 21st Century: Markets, Geopolitics and Corridors

Publisher: Routledge

Date: 2012

Place: Oxon (UK), New York (USA)

View inside this book

    • Donato Fernández Navarrete and Beatriz Muñoz Delgado

Chapter: Los recursos energéticos como interés estratégico en la política exterior española

Book title: La Política Exterior de España: Un Balance a futuro

Publisher: Instituto Universitario de Estudios Europeos, San Pablo CEU

Date: 2011

Place: Madrid

Cover and index of the book

    • José María Marín and Beatriz Muñoz

Title: Affinity and Rivalry: Energy Relations of the EU

Publication: International Journal of Energy Sector Management, Vol. 5, Issue 1, pp. 11-38

Date: 2011

Place: Emerald Group Publishing Limited. DOI: 10.1108/17506221111120884

    • Beatriz Muñoz Delgado and Enrique San Martín González

Title: The Supporting Role of Trans-European Energy Networks to the Turkish Accession Process

Publication: Papeles de Europa, Vol. 21, Complutense Institute of International Studies (ICEI), Complutense University of Madrid

Date: 2010

Place: Madrid

    • José María Marín, Carlos Velasco Murviedro, Javier García-Verdugo Sales, Gonzalo Escribano Francés, Enrique San Martín González, Laura Rodríguez Fernández and Beatriz Muñoz Delgado

Book title: Política energética en el ámbito de la UE y su proyección en España

Publication: Study Collection, number 225, Economic and Social Council (CES)

Date: 2010

Place: Madrid

Description of the book

    • Gonzalo Escribano Francés, Enrique San Martín González and Beatriz Muñoz Delgado

Title: La crisis económica internacional y las relaciones euro-mediterráneas. Una visión desde el sur de Europa.

Publication: Boletín Económico de Información Comercial Española, number 2997. Ministry of Industry, Turism and Trade

Date: 2010

Place: Madrid

    • José María Marín, Carlos Velasco Murviedro, Javier García-Verdugo Sales, Gonzalo Escribano Francés, Ramón Mahía Casado, Rafael de Arce Borda, Enrique San Martín González, Laura Rodríguez Fernández and Beatriz Muñoz Delgado

Title: Quantification of Socioeconomic Risk and Proposal for an Index of Security of Energy Supply. Factor Analysis Methodology Applied to the Measurement of Potential Energy Driven Risks Vector

Publication: Technical Notes 4.2-2 4.5-1 and 4.5-2 of the REACCESS project. Technical-Scientific restricted document.

Date: 2009

    • José María Marín, Carlos Velasco and Beatriz Muñoz

Title: Addressing Competition in Energy Supply: Weakening the Impacts and Improving Energy Security through Complementarities

Publication: Deliverable 4.2 of the REACCESS project. Technical-Scientific restricted document

Date: 2009

    • Beatriz Muñoz

Title: La política de redes energéticas no espera al proceso de adhesión turco

Ref.: IXth. Economic Policy Conference

Date: 2009

Place: Granada (Spain)

ISBN: 978-84-692-5681-7

    • José María Marín, Carlos Velasco and Beatriz Muñoz

Title: Alternative Options and Flexibility to Adapt against Foreign Importing Regions Policy

Publication: Technical Note 4.2-2 of the REACCESS project. Technical-Scientific restricted document

Date: 2009

    • José María Marín, Carlos Velasco and Beatriz Muñoz

Title: Competitive and Complementary Relations of the EU with the Main Energy Consuming and Producing Countries

Publication: Technical Note 4.2-1 of the REACCESS project. Technical-Scientific restricted document

Date: 2009

    • Beatriz Muñoz

Title: Seguridad y defensa en la UE ¿Hacia una Política Común de Seguridad y Defensa?

Publication: DERI Working Papers (UAM), DWP 09/2006

Date: 2006

Place: Madrid

    • Beatriz Muñoz

Title: El ¿nuevo? orden internacional

Publication: DERI Working Papers (UAM), DWP 05/2006

Date: 2006

Place: Madrid

    • Alejandro V. Lorca Corróns, Darina Martikánová, Regina Martínez, Miguel Ángel de la Torre and Beatriz Muñoz

Title: Perspectivas ante el inicio de las negociaciones de adhesión de Turquía a la UE

Publication: Documento de Trabajo en Elcano Royal Institute, (DT) 5/2006

Date: 2006

Place: Madrid