


Pythagoras' Theorem

Pythagoras' Big Theorem

Euclid's Elements

Number Theory

Wanless' Theorem - Fermat's Big Theorem

Fermat's Last Theorem

Fermat's Last Theorem (n=4)

Goldbach's Conjecture

Wanless' Theorem - Twin Prime Conjecture

Odd Perfect Numbers

Catalan's Conjecture

Carmichael's Conjecture

Bertrand's Theorem

Dirichlet's Theorem

Collatz Conjecture

Euclid's Highest Common Factor Algorithm

Linear Diophantine Equations


Euclid's Infinitude of Primes

Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic

Form of Pythagorean Triples

Odd Prime as Difference of Two Successive Squares

Square Root of 2 Irrational

Lagrange's Theorem

Sum of Arithmetic Series

Sum of Geometric Series

Binomial Theorem

Fermat's Little Theorem

Form of Fermat Primes

Relative Primality of Fermat Numbers

Form of Even Perfect Numbers

Four-Square Theorem (Lagrange)

Wilson's Theorem

Euler's Theorem

Determination of Euler's Phi Function for any Integer

Chinese Remainder Theorem

4K+1 Prime Unique Sum of Two Squares

4K+3 Prime not Sum of Two Squares

Sum of Three Squares

Gauss' Theorem

Amicable Numbers

Infinitude of Even Perfect Numbers

Infinitude of Fermat Primes

Factorial Prime

Factorial Square

Square Prime

Fibonacci Prime

Riemann Hypothesis

Prime between Squares

Euler's Powers Theorem

Waring's Problem

Beal's Conjecture

Hall's Conjecture

Powers in Progression

Slightly Excessive Numbers

Quet's Conjecture

Infinitude of Carmichael Numbers

Bau's Conjecture

Gronau's Conjecture

Egyptian Fractions

Egyptian Fractions Generalized

ABC Conjecture

Gilbreath's Conjecture

Grimm's Conjecture

Guy's Theorem

Dirichlet's Theorem Extended

Lehmer's Totient Problem

Prime-only Series

Prime Number Theorem

Andrica's Conjecture

No Perfect Cuboid Exists


P10 Project

Mersenneplustwo Factorizations