I'm 17-18 years old


  • Youth shall obtain the necessary student service-learning hours to graduate.

  • Youth shall have a concrete plan for postsecondary education, employment and/or training.

  • All youth shall complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), unless otherwise noted.

  • Transition plans for youth shall include specific educational goals and financial assistance plans.

  • Youth shall understand how to utilize the Maryland Tuition Waiver and/or ETV.

  • Youth shall be enrolled in college, or if not interested in college, youth shall take advantage of vocation programs that allow certifications to be earned.

  • Graduating disabled youth shall understand their service needs and shall receive information on how to access Disability Support Services.

  • Youth shall register to vote and shall understand the voting process.


  • Youth shall have an opportunity to participate in an internship, externship or volunteer opportunity relevant to a career field of his/her choice.

  • Youth shall understand the opportunities that shall allow him/her to increase employment skills. • Youth shall be assisted in developing a resume.

  • Youth shall have had at least two summer jobs by age 18.

  • Youth shall be engaged in planning for employment that shall increase his/her earnings and marketable potential.

  • Youth with special needs shall be educated about the employment transition services and resources available. Youth shall receive assistance in enrolling in any desired occupational skills training.

Health/Mental Health

  • Youth shall understand the importance of following through with medical care and appointments.

  • Youth shall be able to ask the doctor questions and obtain information needed to understand his/her health and any existing medical conditions.

  • Youth shall understand the importance of medical insurance and take advantage of obtaining the services needed with their medical insurance.

  • Youth shall be able to identify and utilize community resources.

  • Youth shall understand his/her rights.

  • Disabled youth shall be referred to other programs/services for additional assistance prior to exiting care.

  • Youth shall be provided with information that shall assist him/her in understanding the importance of designating a health care agent and information on how to exercise the option to execute a health care agent appointment that designates another individual to make health care treatment decisions if the youth becomes incapacitated.


  • Youth shall be able to identify possible housing options, if needed, including prospective roommates, subsidized housing.

  • Youth shall have a “safety plan” if current housing fails and assistance with re-engaging with family.

  • Youth shall understand housing history.

  • Youth shall be able to understand tenant rights and tenant- landlord relationships.

  • Youth shall understand the importance of safety and being selective in who is allowed to enter his/her personal space.

  • Youth shall possess the life skills needed to maintain an apartment and make some independent decisions.

Financial Literacy/Resources

  • Youth shall have basic knowledge of entitlement programs, qualifications and how to apply/receive assistance with application for SSI (Social Security Insurance), MA (Medical Assistance), TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families), TCA (Temporary Cash Assistance), WIC (Women, Infants and Children), etc.

  • Youth shall obtain a free credit report.

  • Youth shall understand how to avoid identity theft or correct it.

  • Youth shall understand the benefits of remaining in care until age 21. He/she shall understand the policy, eligibility requirements, and supportive services of After Care Services that he/she can receive if leaving care prior to age 21.

  • Youth shall obtain his/her original birth certificate and social security card.

Family & Friends Support

  • Youth shall develop a community resources guide.