Network Geeks - the book

Brian Carpenter's book Network Geeks - How They Built the Internet came out in April 2013. You can get it from the usual places, on paper or as an eBook. Here's the publisher's page.


A few reviews of the book have been published. The criticisms that they make are pretty accurate:

Review by Cian O'Luanaigh in the CERN Courier: (see the 3rd item)

Review by Brian Clegg:

Review by Dave Crocker: (Internet Protocol Journal, Volume 16, No. 2, June 2013, p. 31 - the link downloads the whole issue of the journal)

Review by A. Bultheel: (European Mathematical Society newsletter, August 2013)

Errata in Network Geeks

The purpose of the rest of this page is to record errors that have been noticed. Page numbers are given for the printed version.

Page updated 2024-07-07 15:42 NZST.