
Carpenter family photos, 1909-1967

Hilda Winnard, 1 year old in 1909. The lady is probably her grandmother Alice Jane Winnard (born Burrell) and the boy is probably her first cousin Edward Winnard, first son of John Winnard. John later emigrated to Utah. (Hilda's father was another Edward Winnard, who was John's brother. Their father was also called John Winnard.)

William Victor Carpenter (WVC) after Cambridge graduation, 1930-06-24

WVC and Hilda's wedding day 1935-04-27; WVC and Hilda on honeymoon, 1935, or possibly holiday in 1936. They cycled from the North of England to Dover and back. (WVC almost certainly took this photo himself using a time release.)

Rosalind Mary Carpenter at 13 months; Rosalind at home in Birstall, Leicester 1947-04-01

Rosalind and Brian Edward Carpenter at home, 1948-05-08

Brian, Hilda, Anne Carpenter (WVC's mother), Rosalind, somewhere near Dover, 1953-09-01

Hilda, Rosalind and Brian with Edward and Annie Winnard (Hilda's parents), at 9 Grove Park Avenue, Rhyl, North Wales, about 1956.

Rosalind, Brian, Hilda, WVC, about 1957. Brian in school uniform from Wyygeston Boys School in Leicester, the grammar school where WVC was senior physics master. Rosalind went to Wyggeston Girls School just down the road. The most famous person who went to Wyggeston was David Attenborough.

Rosalind's Cambridge graduation, 1958(?)

Anne or Annie Carpenter, nee Bowles, at Vale View, 62 Singledge Lane, Whitfield, Dover about 1960. Her three sons (Will, Alf and Ben, photographed here in 1961) helped to build the house behind Annie. After he married Hilda, Will was usually known as Victor.

Annie's husband Alfred David Carpenter, WVC's father, died in WW I on June 18th, 1917 during one of the battles of Ypres (click for details). He is commemorated on the Menin Gate. (A number of New Zealanders are also commemorated on the Menin Gate, among the 54,896 names of those with no known grave.)

Anne or Annie Winnard, nee Nuttall, and Edward Winnard, Hilda's parents, in Rhyl, about 1960. Edward was in the RAMC in the Boer War, spent a few years as a travelling evangelist in England, was a chaplain in the trenches in WW I (where he was gassed), wrote several books, and was a Baptist minister until retirement.

Edward and Annie on a professional postcard while Edward was the minister at Glodwick Baptist Church, Pitt St East in Oldham, in the late 1920s. The church still stands but is now the Jamia Mosque.

Rosalind and John Stinchcombe, in Cambridge in 1961.

Brian's Cambridge graduation, 1967-06-24.

Almost all the photographs with exact dates were taken by W. V. Carpenter, who was a good amateur photographer who did his own developing in the bathroom or kitchen. Hilda Carpenter probably took the two colour photos; WVC only did monochrome. Brian took the one of Rosalind and John, and the one of the three brothers. His second cousin Renate Düll scanned the photo of A. D. Carpenter. His friend Scott Brim took the photos of the Ypres memorial in July 2005. The postcard was floating around on the web.

Updated 2021-02-08