
We are grateful for all your help, donations, enthusiasm and memberships. It is vital to preserve our history for future generations. Funds collected through the generosity of those who respond to memberships and donations are crucial in covering CLFHA operating expenses. The $5 amount required to be a member is crucial in a different way also:

Members are the heart and soul of CLFHA

  • Your membership helps us tell the world that we are passionate about Barton history
  • Your membership shows that we are committed to the CLFHA mission to preserve the rich history of Barton
  • CLFHA membership numbers are noted by outside grant-issuing organizations. Sometimes the grant approval process requires proof that the community at large is supportive and committed to the goals of CLFHA.

We also welcome any suggestions as to exhibits that you would like to see in the future. Articles for the newsletter would also be welcome. How about sharing some of your memories. A form and envelope were included this year with the newsletter for your convenience. If we have not received your membership dues for 2018-2019, please don't forget to renew. Also, if you are not a previous member and did not receive the newsletter, you can click on the attached CLFHA Membership Form.pdf file below to view, download and print to fill out and mail.

Please send your membership form and your dues/donations to:


PO Box 398Barton, VT 05822

CLFHA Membership Form.pdf