About us
We are a new patient support group for those with acid reflux problems and Barrett's Oesophagus for anyone in Wales.
Our principal aim is to reduce the number of deaths to oesophageal cancer through raising awareness of its predominant pre-cancerous lesion, Barrett's Oesophagus.
Part of an expanding family affiliated to Barrett's Wessex (charity no. 1148727)
Barrett's Forum Online forum for anyone concerned with acid reflux problems
Barrett's Essex Covering the county of Essex
Barrett's West for anyone in Cornwall and Devon
Barrett's Kent for anyone in South East London and Kent
Barrett's South Covering East and West Sussex
Barrett's Manchester Covering Greater Manchester, Cheshire, Lancashire and West Yorkshire.
Barrett's Wessex Covering the 7 counties of modern Wessex
Barrett's Dorchester Local branch of Barrett's Wessex
Barrett's Bournemouth Local branch of Barrett's Wessex
Barrett's Bath Local branch of Barrett's Wessex
Barrett's Salisbury Local branch of Barrett's Wessex
Barrett's Reading Local branch of Barrett's Wessex
With more siblings expected soon.
See the Barrett's UK site for the latest situation.
To join us or find out more, please email enquiries@BarrettsWales.org.uk or phone Barrett's Wessex on 07771 567009.
For anyone dealing with Oesophageal and Gastric cancer and related conditions, the Oesophageal Patients Association has a South Wales support group based at the Royal Glamorgan Hospital, Ynysmaerdy, offering help, advice and support delivered by patients for patients and carers.