
Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month #oesophebruary

Originally called "Oesophagus Awareness Month" this was established originally to consider all aspects of oesophageal concerns.

In UK it is held throughout the month of February whist the US has a similar awareness month in April.

Everyone is encouraged to post on social media during the month to raise awareness. Suitable resources may be downloaded from the Barrett's Day website.

The online forum has proved those diagnosed with Barrett's are not likely to die of oesophageal cancer.
(Of 8000 members with Barrett's over 8 years, only one death has been recorded - and he refused meds and surveillance.)

The initiative, inaugurated by Asenbar Barrett's patient support charity operating in Spain and Mexico, supported by Barrett's Wessex, Barrett's Oesophagus UK and Action Against Heartburn has nominated 16 May as World Barrett's Day.

We are looking to everyone worldwide who can to raise awareness of this treatable condition by any means on that day with the focus being on Barrett's rather than cancer - because prevention is better than cure.

See for more information.