General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) 25 May 2018
New regulations regarding the storage and confidentiality of data came into force on 25 May 2018. I would like to let you know what information I hold on each of my clients, and what I do with this information. Currently I keep your name, contact details - telephone/mobile numbers, email address as well as emergency contact details and your GP phone number.
Occasionally I make handwritten notes - usually "aide memoirs" - which I store safely and will dispose of once they are of no value to our work together. If I should be requested to write a report relating to you and our work together, I will give you a copy and I will retain a copy in my files which are only accessible to me.
My laptop and mobile phone records are password protected so that your details are safe in the event of a breach of security. All information held is confidential with two exceptions: I may contact your GP or the person named as your emergency contact if I feel you are a danger to yourself or others. I would seek your permission before doing this. I may have to hand over information I hold on you if required by law to do so. Again, I would advise you of this.
I regard our work as confidential and the only person to whom I may talk about it is my clinical supervisor.
Please do let me know if you have any questions relating to the above.