I, the undersigned, request the private driveway snowplowing service offered by the Town of Barksdale in Bayfield County, Wisconsin. I certify that my driveway conforms to the standards as listed on the TOWN OF BARKSDALE SNOWPLOWING POLICY NOTICE FOR 2023-2024 provided and that the Town of Barksdale, its officials and/or town employees, will not be held liable for any personal injury or property damage while the Town of Barksdale is engaged in snowplowing on private property.

Name of Property Owner: 

Address of Property to be plowed:  

City, State:  

Phone: (           )                                     Cell Phone:  (         )  

Attention Renters: Please provide the name and address of whom you are renting from:



To assist our current or new snowplow drivers, please provide a brief drawing of how you would like to have your driveway plowed. Thank you!

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For Office Use:

Amount Paid:
Check No.:

Updated 08/08/2023