
Town of Barksdale Plan
Commission Meeting Minutes

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd. 
Ashland, WI  54806

Date: September 11, 2023

Present: Lynn Divine, Mike Bark, Robert Sanger, John Nyara and Jayson Nohl

Absent Members: Susan Jacobson, John Ganske

Public Present: Randy Daigle

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Lynn Divine after determining a quorum was present.

Verification of Posting: Jayson Nohl verified the meeting notices were posted at the Lake Shore Drive, Bono Creek Landing, Barksdale Town Hall and the Towns Website.

Reading and Approval of meeting minutes from:  June 5, 2023 meeting. Bob Sanger motioned to dispense with reading the minutes and approve them as written, John Nyara second the motion, all were in favor, motion passed.

Discussion and Possible Action on a Conditional Use Permit:  
Request request from Randy Daigle. Randy would like to operate a Thrift and Antique Store near their residence at 29515 Wedal Road, Washburn Wi 54891. 

The plan commission compared the permit request with the 10 elements of the comprehensive plan and found there were no conflicts. Bob Sanger motioned to recommend to the Town Board to approve the permit, John Nyara second the motion, all were in favor, motion passed.

Comprehensive Plan:  The Plan Commission discussed the rewriting of the Comprehensive Plan booklet.  It is hoped that everyone can get together by the end of the year or in January of 2024 and finish the final draft of the plan booklet so it can be printed.

Other Business:  In other business the plan commission discussed the Town Picnic that was held August 26th from noon to 4pm. There were 67 residence who signed the book at the picnic and overall was a good time and a good turnout.

Next meeting:  The next quarterly meeting is December 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m. at the Barksdale Town Hall. 

Meeting adjourned: Jason Nohl motioned to adjourn the meeting, Mike Bark second the motion, all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 6:45pm. 

Respectively submitted by Jayson Nohl, Secretary