2023 DECEMBER 11

Town of Barksdale Plan
Commission Meeting Minutes

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd. 
Ashland, WI  54806

Date: December 11, 2023

Present: Susan Jacobson, Lynn Divine, Mike Bark, John Ganske, John Nyara and Jayson Nohl

Absent Members: Bob Sanger

Public Present: None

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00 p.m. by Chairperson Susan Jacobson after determining a quorum was present.

Verification of Posting: Jayson Nohl verified the meeting notices were posted at the Lake Shore Drive, Bono Creek Landing, Barksdale Town Hall and the Town Website.

Reading and Approval of meeting minutes from:  September 11, 2023 meeting. Lynn Divine motioned to dispense with reading the minutes and approve them as written; John Nyara second the motion, all were in favor, motion passed.

Rewriting and Updating the Comprehensive Plan Booklet:  Over the past two years the Plan Commission has been making some language changes and updating  the Comprehensive Plan booklet which was printed in 2010.  The Plan Commission decided to meet on Monday January 15 and Tuesday January 16, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to try and get the booklet rewritten into a final draft so it can be printed.

Bono CreekAfter a brief discussion it was decided to ask the Town Board to make improvements to the pavement leading to the landing. the blacktop is in very rough shape.

Town Picnic:  A discussion on whether to have a Town Picnic in 2024.  The question was brought up if we should have the picnic in August or go back to September 2024 the weekend after Labor Day.  John Nyara thought we will discuss it at the June Town Board meeting and set a date.

The Year 2023 in Review: The Plan Commission met 4 times. We reviewed 3 permits (there were 4 on our agendas but one was withdrawn before our meeting.)

2024 Quarterly Meeting Schedule: The Plan Commission set the the following dates for the quarterly meetings, all to be held at 6:00 p.m. at the Barksdale Town Hall.

Meeting adjourned: Mike Bark motioned to adjourn the meeting, Lynn Divine second the motion, all were in favor, motion passed. The meeting adjourned at 6:50pm. 

Respectively submitted by Jayson Nohl, Secretary