2022 JUNE 13

Town of Barksdale Plan
Commission Meeting Minutes

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd.
Ashland, WI 54806

Date: June 13, 2022

Present: Susan Jacobson, Robert Sanger, Jayson Nohl and John Nyara

Absent: John Ganske, Lynn Divine and Mike Bark

Members of the Public: Blake Guski and Mike Mlynark

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:00pm by Chairperson Susan Jacobson after determining a quorum was present.

Review of a Class A Special Use Permit: Request from Blake Guski 71205 Hwy 13 Ashland, Wi 54806. Blake would like a permit to operate a Firearms and accessory business from his home. He needs the permit which would help get a Federal Firearms License. After answering several questions from commission members the Plan Commission compared the request to the elements of the Comprehensive Plan and found there were no conflicts. Bob Sanger motioned to recommend to the Town Board to approve the request, John Nyara second the motion. Three members were for and Jayson Nohl recused himself from voting. The motion passed. Bob Sanger then motioned to request that no firearms can be discharged on the property. Jayson Nohl second the motion all were in favor, motion passed.

Bono Creek Boat Landing Update: The landing has been a busy place this summer used by many kayakers and fisherman. There has been reports of people throwing trash in the porta-potty and the providers are not happy and will pull the toilet if this continues.

The next quarterly meeting date is set for September 12, 2022 at 6pm.

Jayson Nohl motioned to adjourn the meeting, Bob Sanger second the motion, all were in favor, meeting adjourn at 7:20pm.

Respectively submitted:

Jayson Nohl secretary