2021 MARCH 08

Town of Barksdale Plan
Commission Meeting Minutes

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd.
Ashland, WI 54806

Date: March 8, 2021

Present: Susan Jacobson, Mike Bark, Lynn Divine, Jayson Nohl and John Nyara

Members of the Public: None

Call to Order: The meeting was called to order at 6:05pm by Chairperson Susan Jacobson after determining a quorum was present.

Verification of open meeting notice posted: Jayson Nohl verified the meeting was posted at three locations Lake Shore Drive, Barksdale Town Hall and Sparky’s Bar and Grill

Reading and Approval of meeting minutes from February 8, 2021: Lynn Divine motioned to dispense with reading the minutes and approve them as written Mike Bark second the motion all were in favor, motion passed.

Review of a Class A Special Use Permit: from Derek Bratager 71500 State Hwy 13 Ashland, Wi 54806 for shoreline grading and installing permanent erosion control (rip rap) around the edge of a pond that drains into Lake Superior. The comp plan commission compared the request with the ten elements in the comprehensive plan and found no conflicts. Lynn Divine motioned to recommend to the Town Board to approve the permit John Nyara second the motion all were in favor motion passed.

Public Comments: No members of the public were present

Comprehensive Plan Update: The comp plan commission finished reviewing the comprehensive plan booklet and will gather all the language changes for a rough draft and then decide at a future meeting who will print the new comprehensive plan booklet.

Next Meeting: The next comp plan meeting is set for June 7, 2021 at 6:00pm at the Town Hall.

Adjournment: Mike Bark motioned to adjourn, John Nyara second the motion all were in favor. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 PM

Respectively submitted:

Jayson Nohl secretary