
Town of Barksdale Plan
Commission Meeting Minutes

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Road
Ashland, Wi 54806

Date: September 9, 2013

Present: Susan Jacobson, John Nyara, John Ganske, David Maki, Jayson Nohl and Mike Bark.

Members of the Public: David Krienbring, Caren Krienbring, Colleen Bark, Lynn Devine and Dennis Pocernich .

The meeting was called to order by Susan Jacobson chairman at 6:00 p.m. after determining a quorum was present.

Verification of open meeting notice posted: Jayson Nohl verified the meeting was posted at three locations, Lake Shore Drive, Topside Tavern and Barksdale Town Hall.

Reading and approval of previous meeting minutes of June 11, 2013: Dave Maki motioned to dispense reading of the minutes and approve them, John Nyara second the motion all were in favor.

Public Comments: Dave and Caren Krienbring spoke of the Todd’s Redimix property. They are very concerned of the Planning Commission recommendation for the Future Land Use Brochure Map and the Map which is shown in the Town Hall. The land owned by Todd’s Redimix is currently zoned AG-1. The Future land use map in the plan brochure shows the property possibly being zoned industrial, the current map displayed in the Town Hall shows Mining overlay. The Krienbrings are very concerned because if other industry is allowed to be put in there it would add to the noise that the concrete plant already makes. They don’t feel this should be allowed. It is not a good fit. John Nyara spoke briefly and said when the Plan Commission came up with this recommendation the Commission felt the Township should have a place for future industrial use. Jayson Nohl told the Krienbrings that the Comprehensive Plan is only a guide for the Township to follow and nothing is set in stone. Nohl also added that when Wissota Sand and Gravel applied for the permit to place the concrete plant on the property all the residents who lived in the area attended the zoning meeting and voiced their concerns against the concrete plant and the zoning committee approved the permit anyway. Nyara asked where would be an acceptable site for industrial use. Nohl replied he didn’t know where an acceptable site would be. Nohl asked the Krienbrings if they would be happier if the Future Land use brochure maps were changed back to AG-1. Krienbrings replied they would be happier. Nohl did remind them AG-1 does still allow some type of small industry on residential use but would have to go through the permitting process.

Susan Jacobson asked for a motion from the floor. Mike Bark made a motion to recommend to the Town Board to pass a resolution amending the future land use brochure map removing the industrial use and keeping it as AG-1 and to correct the land use map displayed in the Town Hall, which currently shows mining overlay. John Ganske second the motion. All were in favor. The Comprehensive Plan Commission will make this recommendation to the Barksdale Town Board.

Subcommittees: Lynn Devine spoke on the Bono Creek boat landing area. She did some research and found it is possible to improve the area but the water can not be touched. She said there are forms to be filled out and the Plan Commission and Town Board should decide what they would like to do, if any funding is to come from the Township. Dennis Pocernich thought it would be nice to have a Pavilion of some kind there. John Ganske volunteered to be on the Bono Creek subcommittee.

Discussion of screening of salted sand and BASWD area: Lynn Devine submitted a plan drawn by Bob Devine which included lattice fencing with climbing roses and a sign with Town of Barksdale. Carol Minar was not at the meeting but is also expected to submit a plan for screening.

First Annual Town Picnic: There was a brief discussion on the first annual Town picnic. All Plan Commission members who attended the picnic agreed it was a very good thing and hoped it would be even larger next year.

Date for the next meeting was set for December 10, 2013 at 6:00pm. Motion to adjourn was made by John Nyara, second by Dave Maki. All were in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 7:05 p.m.

Respectively submitted,

Jayson Nohl secretary