2024 APRIL 16

Town of Barksdale Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, April 16, 2024
Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd., Ashland, WI  54806

Present:  John Nyara, Chris Bretting, Jayson Nohl, Angela Truchon, Susan Sanders

Absent:  None

Other’s Present: David Lucius

Members of the Public Present: See sign-in sheet

Call To Order:  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nyara at 7:02 p.m. 

Verification of Posting:  Clerk Truchon confirmed the meeting notice was posted at the Town Hall, Bono Creek and Lakeshore Drive and the Town Website.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes:  Bretting made a motion to dispense with the reading of the March 12, 2024 minutes and to approve them as written, seconded by Nohl.  Motion carried.


Comprehensive Plan update: Jayson Nohl reported that they had a permit for shoreline grading which will be reviewed in May. There will be a quarterly meeting on June 10th for the Planning Committee. 

The Town received notice from the County that Todd's Redi-Mix Concrete was in violation of one of their permits and was issued a Cease & Desist order.

Cozy Corner Road discussion and possible action: Everything is on schedule so far and completion date is scheduled for this fall.  At some point both ends of Cozy Corner Rd. may have to be closed off.

Ondossagon Road: Max has been in touch with Luppino’s bonding.  Their bonding company says that Luppino is at fault.  We will need input from construction company and paving company for estimates to see what it will cost to repair.  John told Max he would like a monthly progress report from Max.  Maybe John Buvala could look at the road and video it with his drone so that we have a starting point of what it looks like now.  Dave will get ahold of him.

Ondossagon School: Retos came to the meeting to let the board know that they are trying to preserve the building and possibly use the area outside for a memorial for the school.  They are working with the County.  The County made a resolution to support the project. 


Public input:
John McCue asked about the Bayfield Wireless Tower.  Chairman Nyara met with Bayfield Wireless regarding the gate, and it is fine for them.  They currently have power set to it.  The Tower is 190’ and has no lights on it.  It is not costing the Town any funding for this tower.  Chairman Nyara said that he had signed the land use contract with them yesterday. Dennis Pocernich suggested that we should have a lease agreement from them and get some type of monetary amount for them using our land.

Road Foreman’s Report: Dave reported that he was working on Cherryville, Engo, Cozy Corner, Lutkie Roads.  The state is going to put Rip Rap at Bono Creek, but the road really should be fixed.

Clerks Report: Clerk reported on the letters and other information received since the last meeting.  

Chairman’s Report:  Road Inspection will be held on April 24th at 8:00 meeting at the shop. Open Book will be held on May I from 12-2 at the town hall and the Board of Review will be held on May 20 from 4-6 at the Town Hall.

Treasurer’s Report: See attached Report.

Next Meeting:  The next regular meeting date is May 14, 2024, at 7:00 pm

Approval of Bills:  Nohl made a motion to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Bretting, Motion carried.

Adjournment: There being no further business Jayson Nohl made a motion to adjourn Chris Bretting seconded. Motion carried Meeting adjourned at 9:15 p.m. 

Respectfully submitted,

Angela M. Truchon, Clerk