
Town of Barksdale Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, September 12, 2023
Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd., Ashland, WI  54806

Present:  John Nyara; Chris Bretting; Jayson Nohl; Angela Truchon

Absent:  Susan Sanders

Other’s Present: David Lucius

Members of the Public Present: Al Kirschbaum, Marya Tyler 

Call To Order:  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nyara at 7:00 p.m. 

Verification of Posting:  Truchon confirmed the meeting notice was posted at the Town Hall, Bono Creek and Lakeshore Drive and the Town Website.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes:  Bretting made a motion to dispense with the reading of the August 8, 2023 minutes and to approve them as written, seconded by Nohl. Motion carried.


Comprehensive Plan update: There was a conditional use permit for Randy Diagle. The conditional use permit was suggested to be approved by the Town board.  The next meeting is scheduled to be on December 11, 2023 at 6:00 p.m.

Ondossagon Road discussion and possible action:  Nothing New

Cozy Corner Road discussion and possible action: The board members met with the engineer approximately 3 weeks ago.  Cooper is going to try to get bids out in October.

Ondossagon School discussion and possible action: John reported that he had not talked to Reto.  He said that he heard he is planning on raising fish in the school.

Nuisance Order discussion and possible action: John said he spoke with Lisa and Jack and they thought that it went good this year down at Bono Creek with the kayaking.  The board will look into parking issues for next year.


Public Input: 

Marya commented that the old dump had an old wooden building and insulation in it and feels that the area is beautiful area and is hoping that the area will not be over run with stuff dumped in the sand pit.

Chris commented that he had spoken to Jeremy Traaholt and he is having a very difficult time trying to get a permit for his garage.  Chris also heard that there are lawsuits that have been filed against the zoning department.

Special Permit for Conditional Use for Business in Home for Randy Diagle: The comp plan reviewed the permit and is suggesting that the town board approve the permit.  Nohl made a motion to approve the the permit and Bretting seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

Road Foreman’s Report: Dave reported that the culverts are done on Mashlan Road,  the Paving is done on Engoe Road and the paving on Cozy Corner section of road should be completed as well. Xcel called about Buvala Road and said that it is undermining.  Dave talked with Mitch from the wildlife and said that they will do culverts on Range Road Next.  Had to replace and put a new auger and pump on the dump truck and changed out some of the speed limit signs.

Clerk’s Report:   Clerk prepared the invoices for the Mashlan Road for the County but talked with Dave and had to add some additional information and will get to Dave next meeting.  Also prepared the invoice for the Forest Service and sent to the appropriate offices.  Reported the rates for the Fire and EMS rates for 2024 and the letter also said they are looking to purchase a new piece of equipment.  We will put a Bid out in October for the Salt/Sand.  Clerk has received nothing on the add for winter help and she asked if anyone else had heard anything. No calls, applications, or resumes have been received by anyone.  Budget Workshop is scheduled for October 17th, 2023 at 6:00 pm and the Budget hearing will be held on November 14th at 6:30 before the regular board meeting.

Chairman’s Report:    Nyara made a motion to approve Jayson Nohl to the Bayfield County Unit Towns Association for the LRIP committee, Bretting seconded the motion.  Motion carried.  We received a quote to pave a portion of Engoe Road from Northwoods Paving for $106996.58 this would be a shared project with the Town of Washburn.  Nyara will take to there chairperson and see if they will budget this for the 2024 year.  Dumpster day will be September 30 from 8-2.

Treasurer’s Report:  Report attached 

Next Meeting:  The next regular meeting date is October 10, 2023 at 7:00 pm

Approval of Bills:  Nohl made a motion to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Bretting. Motion carried.

Adjournment: There being no further business Bretting made a motion to adjourn Nohl seconded. Motion carried Meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Angela M. Truchon, Clerk