2022 JUNE 08

Town of Barksdale Board Meeting Minutes

Tuesday, June 8, 2022
Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd., Ashland, WI 54806

Present: John Nyara; Chris Bretting; Jayson Nohl; Angela Truchon; Susan Sanders

Absent: None

Other’s Present: David Lucius, Road Foreman

Members of the Public Present: Susan Jacobson and Mike Mlynarek

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nyara at 7:00 p.m.

Verification of Posting: Truchon confirmed the meeting notice was posted.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes: Bretting made a motion to dispense with the reading of the May 10, 2022 minutes and to approve them as written, seconded by Nohl. Motion Carried.


Comprehensive Plan Update:
Jayson reported that the comprehensive planning committee received a permit from Blake Guski for a conditional use permit to sell firearms out of his home. After the committee met it came to there attention that there may be some issues with issuing this permit due to some previous complaints regarding shooting on this property. The board has decided to table this until next meeting.

Grants Update:

  • BIL Grant - Clerk sent in the Grant to the state and we are waiting to hear back.

  • ARPA Grant - No more has been spent from this grant and the second half of the grant will be received the end of June.

  • Bayfield Co. Health Dept. Grant - We received notice of $5000 available to help with the new skating rink project that John is working on getting quotes and permits for.

Ondossagon Road:
Coleman Engineering has done a bunch of core samples on Ondossagon road. John tried to get ahold of attorney Lindsey and left a message to see were things were at on this situation.

Cozy Corner Road:
The town has received the grant but has not yet received the contract.


Public Input:
Mike Mlynarek wanted to comment that he has issues regarding the permit that Mr. Guski has applied for and hopes the town looks into this further before deciding on whether to issue this permit or not. There was no further public input.

Bayfield Wireless:
Representatives from Bayfield Wireless came to the meeting with the contract regarding the town dump site area being used for a tower. After reviewing the contract Bretting made a motion to approve the contract with Bayfield Wireless for a 20-year period. Nohl seconded. Motion Carried. Chairman John Nyara signed the contract at the meeting.

Bono Creek Boat Landing:
The board had
discussed putting in a porta-potty at the Bono Creek Boat Landing. The cost to the town would be approximately $140.00 per month and would include the company servicing and emptying it twice per month. Nohl made a motion to put a porta-potty in at Bono Creek Boat Landing and Bretting seconded. Motion Carried.

Renewal of Liquor License:
An application was received from SLAM LLC for the renewal of there class B liquor license. Clerk verified that the notice was posted in the paper as required. Bretting made a motion to approve the liquor license for SLAM LLC and Nohl seconded. Motion carried.

Road Foreman’s Report:
Update on spring road inspection and Lakeshore Drive.)

On April 30, 2022 the Town Board did an inspection of the Town roads. When inspecting Lakeshore Drive the board found large ruts in the blacktop and the clay subgrade squeezing up into the blacktop. Jayson Nohl suggested to remove the remaining blacktop on approximately 250 feet section of the road and excavate enough from the subgrade for a layer of filter cloth 12” of breaker run rock and then place 6” of gravel on top of the breaker rock and let it sit until early fall to see what the heavy garbage trucks and septic pumpers do to the road. John Nyara and Chris Bretting agreed to do so. If this section of road holds up the board felt the same needs to be done later this summer with a section found towards the north end. Dave Lucius was instructed to check into ordering 2 rolls of filter cloth.

The board also discussed crack sealing some of the Town roads. Jayson Nohl said the board has already received an estimate from Seal Tech and he and Dave would check to see which roads need crack sealing the most and have a report at the next Board meeting. There was discussion of crack sealing Topside to Bjork Road on Engoe Road if Town of Washburn would be willing to do this. Board decided to table the bid for seal tech until next meeting after additional information was gathered.

Dave reported the culvert has come in for Bjork Road. He also reported that the tractor tires came in and the blade for the grader has been ordered. He also put a windshield in Dales mini-hoe that shattered while the town was using it. The cost on that was $400.00.

The power company is removing the mats and the poles out of the ditches so we can start mowing. We haven’t heard any more from Xcel or Enbridge on road maintenance on Terwilliger Road.

Clerk’s Report:
Clerk had nothing new to report.

Chairman’s Report:
Chairman had nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report:
Treasurer’s report is attached.

Next Meeting:
The next regular meeting date is
July 12, 2022, at 7:00 at the Barksdale Town Hall.

Approval of Bills:
Bretting made a motion to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Nohl. Motion carried.

There being no further business to conduct, the meeting adjourned at
8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Angela M Truchon, Clerk