2022 APRIL 28

 Town of Barksdale
Annual Board Meeting Minutes

6:30 p.m. Tuesday April 28, 2022
Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd., Ashland, WI  54806

Present:  John Nyara, Jayson Nohl, Chris Bretting, Angie Truchon, Susan Sandor, Susan Sandor, Faye Nyara, Dennis Pocernich, Dave Lucius, Bob Sanger, Lynn Divine, Mike Bark 

Absent:  None

Call To Order:  The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nyara at 6:00 p.m.

Verification of Posting:  Truchon confirmed it was posted.


Public Input:

Dennis Pocernich questioned the amount of money carried over from the budget.  He suggested paying down a loan or restricting the funds for the loan.

Mike Bark questioned how we got our budget and it was explained that the budget is done in November at our Budget Workshop which is posted and anyone is welcome to come.

The chairman discussed the Cozy Corner and Engoe Road project and said the Forest Service wants to get us a grant for the Whittlesey creek bridges.  He also mentioned that Town Attorney Lindsey is working on the Ondossagon Road Project and Chairman explained the issues and what we are doing to get this rectified.

The town bought a new compactor this year for $35,000 and is looking at getting a new blade.  A new blade with a quick attach would cost approximately $16,000.

Mark Bark asked if it was possible that Nolander can have some maintenance to get the cracks filled in before there is more damage.

Lynn Devine made a motion to approve the annual financials and Susan Jacobson 2nd. There being no nay’s motion carried.

Dennis made a motion to dispense o the reading of noxious weed law,  Dave Lucius 2nd. There being no nay’s motion carried.

Dennis made a motion to increase the boards wages 10% Lynn Devine 2nd.  There being no nay’s motion carried.  Dennis Made a motion to increase the Comprehensive Plan by 10% Dave Lucius seconded.  There being no nay’s motion carried.  Dennis also suggest that the board should look into raising the part time employees wages to be competitive with others.


There being no further business to conduct, Dennis made a motion to adjourned the meeting and Mike Bark seconded Meeting adjourned at 7:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

 Angela M Truchon, Clerk