2021 OCTOBER 12

Town of Barksdale Board Meeting

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd.
Ashland, WI 54806

Date: October 12, 2021

Present: John Nyara; Chris Bretting; Jayson Nohl: Angela Truchon; Susan Sanders

Absent: None

Other’s Present: David Lucius, Road Foreman

Members of the Public Present: Mitchell Baalnam, Tom Sandor, Theresa Margetta, and Lynn Divine

Call To Order:

The meeting was called to order by Supervisor Nyara at 7:00 p.m.

Verification of Posting:

Truchon confirmed the meeting notice was posted.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes:

Bretting made a motion to dispense with reading of the September 14, 2021, Minutes and to approve them as written, seconded by Nohl. Motion carried.


Comprehensive Plan Update:

Jayson reported that the next complan meeting will be held December 13, 2021

Grant Updates:

• Cozy Corner Update - Dan Gustafson from Cooper Engineering will be doing the grant writing. Dan has been in contact with Bob from the county and is keeping the board up to date with information needed. The board is looking at getting the TRID S grant which is due in November.

• ARPA - The board has used $5000 of the grant money for Bayfield wireless and is looking at using some for a new skating rink building and a possible bathroom in the town hall.

Perce Road:

Dave reported that they put about 100 yards on the road. Dave hauled the gravel from out of the stockpile. Need to get an estimate from Northwoods Paving for paving costs.

Public Nuisance Ordinance:

It was reported that the kayak company launching out of Bono creek is not the same company that was using the boat launch last year. The kayak company owner launching this year talked to John and want to make it good and work with the Town and residents.

Ondossagon Road:

Jayson reported that Luppino has done 7 patches on the road and twin ports testing did 12 cores, 3 cores a mile. We did receive the results back and the majority of the cores did not meet spec in some way. The board would like to talk with someone with construction knowledge to see if we have a case. The core results will be turned over to the town attorney to have him look at them. John will drop off the information to him.

Cozy Corner Road:

Nothing new to report at this time.


Voting Machines:

The board will put the cost of the machines into 2022 budget

Skating Rink:

The board will look at putting up a new building in the spring as they feel that it is to late in the season to do anything this winter.

Public Input:

Theresa Margetta is concerned about the speed of the traffic going up and down Clevette Road. She said it is only ½ mile long and whoever is hauling hay on this road is going way to fast. Would like to have a letter sent saying that the road is 15 miles per hour speed limit on that road. Angie will try to get ahold of Galligans to see who is hauling hay.

Fish and Wildlife:

Mitchell Baalnam with the fish and wildlife came to speak with the board to report on there progress with the area in the town of Barksdale. They have been planting trees on Terwilliger creek. They are also in the process of hiring an addition Park Ranger that will work with the town. The Great Lakes Restoration will be funding acquisitions for easements, and they will be looking at putting in a kiosk for the hunting area in the refuge. He also said that he would help the town with trying to get grants or other monies to help within the refuge area.

Salt/Sand Bid:

Bob Olson was the only bid received. The bid was $24.50 per ton with a 10% salt mixture. Bretting made a motion to accept the bid from Olson and Nohl seconded the motion. Motion carried. Dave said he will call Bob to bring

CWD Prevention Donation:

The board approved to donate $150 to help with the dumpsters used during hunting season for deer carcass disposal. Bretting made a motion to approve the donation and Nohl seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

Brick Donation:

The Board as a whole felt that a donation at this time was not in the budget as Bayfield County had jut donated $35,000 to the Brick.

Budget Meeting/Workshop:

The board decided to meet on Thursday, November 4th at 6:00 p.m. to work on the 2022 budget. Clerk will post.

Washburn Snowmobile Alliance Trail Reroute:

Town Resident, Wilson, is going to give a permanent easement to the Washburn Snowmobile Alliance to reroute the trail going into Washburn. The maps and information are attached to the meetings minutes. Nohl made a motion to approve the reroute in the town of barksdale and Bretting seconded the motion. Motion Carried.

Road Foreman’s Report and Discussion of Road Inspection: Tom said he has been working with Jayson while Dave is out. They have done some patching on cozy corner to Mashlan Road. The tires are good on all machines and the blades are here for winter.

Clerk’s Report: Clerk deferred to the County Clerk regarding the redistricting resolution that the town needed to do regarding the redistricting wards that the county approved for the Town of Barksdale. The board will meet on Monday October 18, 2021, at 6:00 pm regarding the redistricting resolution. Clerk had nothing else to report.

Chairman’s Report:

Chairman reported that the new dumpsters have arrived. Chairman had nothing else to report

Treasurer’s Report: Treasurer’s report is attached.

Next Meeting: The next meeting date is November 9, 2021, at 7:00 at the Barksdale Town Hall.

Approval of Bills: Bretting made a motion to approve the bills as presented, seconded by Nohl. Motion carried.

Adjournment: There being no further business to conduct, the meeting adjourned at 9:10 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Angela M Truchon, Clerk