2021 NOVEMBER 09

Town of Barksdale 2022 Budget Approval Meetings


Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd.
Ashland, WI 54806

Date: 7:00 PM November 9, 2021

Present: John Nyara, Chris Bretting; Jayson Nohl, Angela Trucon, Susan Sanders

Absent: None.

Other’s Present: David Lucius; Road Foreman

Members of the Public Present: Ron Pagac, Faye Nara

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nyara at 7:00 p.m.

Verification of Posting: Truchon confirmed the meeting notices were posted.

John requested that the attending public review the budget and asked if there were any questions.

Attending public did not have or ask any questions to the board. At that time Bretting made a motion to close the public hearing and Nohl seconded. Motion carried.


Date: November 9, 2021

Present: John Nyara, Chris Bretting; Jayson Nohl, Angela Trucon, Susan Sanders

Absent: None.

Other’s Present: David Lucius; Road Foreman

Members of the Public Present: Ron Pagac, Faye Nara

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nyara at 7:13 p.m.

Verification of Posting: Truchon confirmed the meeting notices were posted.

A special meeting of the electors was called to approve the budget for 2022. After the public hearing of the town of Barksdale Dave Lucius made a motion to accept the budget of 2022 and Ron Pagac seconded. Motion carried.

Adjournment: Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 7:14 p.m.


Date: November 9, 2021

Present: John Nyara, Chris Bretting; Jayson Nohl, Angela Trucon, Susan Sanders

Absent: None.

Other’s Present: David Lucius; Road Foreman

Members of the Public Present: Ron Pagac, Faye Nara

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Nyara at 7:14 p.m.

Verification of Posting: Truchon confirmed the meeting notices were posted.

A special meeting to approve the budget that the electors of the town of Barksdale Approved prior was held. Nohl made a motion to accept the 2022 budget and Bretting seconded. Motion carried.

Adjournment: Having no further business the meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m

Respectfully submitted,
Angela M. Truchon, Clerk