2018 OCTOBER 09

Town of Barksdale Board Meeting

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd.
Ashland, WI 54806

Date: 7:00 PM October 9, 2018

Present: Dennis Pocernich, John Nyara, Chris Bretting; Lynn Divine; Susan Sanders

Absent: None

Other’s Present: David Lucius; Jayson Nohl, Comprehensive Plan Commission

Members of the Public Present: Dennis Nechkash, Tom Sanders, Dave Maki

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pocernich at 7:00 p.m.

Verification of Posting and Publishing: Divine confirmed it was posted. Pocernich verified that it was published.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes: Bretting made a motion to dispense with reading the September 11, 2018, Minutes, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried.


Update on US Fish & Wildlife Activities: No update. The Board presented Mike Mlynarek with a card and thanked him for his years of service as a liason for the Town and the US Fish & Wildlife Service.

Comprehensive Plan Update: Nothing new to report.

Grant Updates: Nothing new to report.

Snowplowing Update: Sanders indicated that 55 contracts have been returned in the amount of $8,100.


Public Input: Dennis Nechkash was present regarding the situation with his driveway off of Ondossagon Road. More analysis is needed to determine what course of action to take.

Sand/Salt Bids: One bid was received from Bob Olson & Co. in the amount of $24.50 per ton. Nyara made a motion to accept the bid for salt/sand from Bob Olson & Co. in the amount of $24.50 per ton, seconded by Bretting. Motion carried.

Xcel Power Line: Tabled.

Community Grant for Broadband Service from Centurylink: Nyara explained that Centurylink is looking into a grant application with the USDA for Broadband service to be brought into the Towns of Barksdale, Bayview and Washburn. Centurylink representative, would like to meet with the three municipalities to explain the grant in more detail and acquire their joint cooperation in applying for the funds. Nyara explained that part of the process would be to provide internet service at a central location in the Town of Washburn for a period of two years. A monetary commitment in sharing cost for this facility is being requested. Bretting made a motion to approve a sum of no more than $5,000 for the joint application of a USDA Broadband Grant Application with the Towns of Bayview and Washburn, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried.

Former Ondossagon School Property: Divine verified that the property has been conveyed back to David and Callae Hyde. Divine was requested to write a letter to the Hydes, requesting that they attend a meeting to discuss the future of the property as it has become a possible nuisance to the public.

TRID Road Grant Reimbursement and Loan Refinancing: Divine is in the process of sending the remaining documentation requested by the DOT to ensure the remittance of the grant funds. When the check is received, Sanders will set-up the final loan documents with Northern State Bank. The Board requested that the semi-annual payments remain in April and October.

Road Foreman Report: Some repairs to vehicles. Otherwise, getting everything ready for winter.

Clerk’s Report: Nothing new to report.

Chairman’s Report: Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report: A copy of the Treasurer’s Report is attached.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on November 13th, at 7:00 p.m.

Monthly Bills: Nyara made a motion to accept and approve the monthly bills as presented, seconded by Pocernich. Motion carried.

Adjournment: There being no further business to conduct, the meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynn M. Divine, Clerk