2017 JANUARY 10

Town of Barksdale Board Meeting

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd.
Ashland, WI 54806

Date: January 10, 2017

Present: Dennis Pocernich, John Nyara; Chris Bretting; Lynn Divine; Susan Sanders

Absent: None.

Other’s Present: David Lucius, Mike Mlynarek, US Fish & Wildlife;

Members of the Public Present: Dave Maki; Tom Sanders; Dale Johnston

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pocernich at 7:00 p.m.

Verification of Posting and Publishing: Divine indicated that it was posted, but did not get in the paper.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes: Bretting made a motion to dispense with reading the December 13, 2016, Minutes, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried.


Update on US Fish & Wildlife Activities: Mike Mlynarek stated Bridget Olson started her position in St. Croix yesterday. She is hoping to meet with all of the entities involved with the agency. She hopes to do this while she is in the area for a board meeting on February 16th. A youth core leader has been chosen. She is from the area and well qualified for the position. An advertisement to recruit the summer crew will be posted in April. They usually hire 4 or 5 15-18 year old students. Summer projects are in the planning stages.

Comprehensive Plan Update: Nothing new to report.

Ondossagon Road Update: Bretting suggested having a Public Hearing or meeting to go over the final specs for the project.

Snowplowing: Sanders stated that a total of 78 contracts have been issued and funds received are in the amount of $12,900.


Public Input: Dale Johnston mentioned having a removable dock at the Bono Creek site. This will be placed on the February agenda.

Approval of Server’s Licenses: An application for a server’s permit was received by Keith Holm. Pocernich made a motion to approve a server’s permit application submitted by Keith Holm, seconded by Bretting. Motion carried.

Contract for Ondossagon Road Project (MSA): Different loan rates that were reviewed from the lenders who submitted bids in the past few months. The lowest rate came in at 2.65% from Northern State Bank. All submissions had a balloon or renewal date included, so the short-term rate was mainly considered. Bretting made a motion to accept the bid for financing the project from Northern State Bank at 2.65%, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried. Sanders will correspond to the other lenders regarding the decision.

Road Crew Report: Lucius the main concern at the moment is the damage to mailboxes from snowplowing. There have been no major complaints. We will add some type of disclaimer regarding this with the next contract. Six more loads for salt/sand were ordered from Bob Olson and Company, charged at the original bidded rate. There have been some minor repairs.

Clerk’s Report: Nothing new to report.

Chairman’s Report: Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report: Sanders provided the monthly report. A copy is attached to these Minutes.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 14, 2017, at 7:00 p.m.

Expenditures: The expenditures were reviewed and checks approved and signed. Nyara made a motion to accept the expenditures as presented, seconded by Pocernich. Motion carried. Paying off the existing equipment loan will be added to the February agenda.

Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynn M. Divine, Clerk