2016 FEBRUARY 09

Town of Barksdale Board Meeting

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd.
Ashland, WI 54806

Date: February 9, 2016

Present: Dennis Pocernich, John Nyara; Chris Bretting; Lynn Divine; Susan Sanders

Absent: None

Other’s Present: David Lucius, Road Crew; Mike Mlynarek, US Fish & Wildlife; Jennifer Croonborg, Bayfield County Planning and Zoning

Members of the Public Present: Dave Maki; Jayson Nohl, Bob Divine

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pocernich at 7:00 p.m. A moment of silence was held in memory of Duane Garz.

Verification of Posting and Publishing: Pocernich verified that the meeting notice was published. Divine verified that the meeting notice was posted.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes: Bretting made a motion to dispense with reading the January 12, 2016, Minutes, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried.


Update on US Fish & Wildlife Activities: Mike Mlynarek indicated that he is scheduled to return to work at the end of February or beginning of March. He will have his six week checkup next Tuesday. He was very pleased with the Wickstrom Bridge project. Markers will need to be put on both sides of the bridge and a road limit sign will need to be posted. The fabric used to place the rocks will also need to be trimmed. The agency will be advertising for a Youth Crew shortly.

Comprehensive Plan Update: Nohl indicated that the Commission met the night before regarding a permit request from Cole and Jenaye Pearson to obtain a variance. The next regularly quarter meeting is scheduled for Monday, March 7, 2016, at 6:00 p.m. Pocernich mentioned a possible rezone for the hall and shop property.

Ondossagon Road Update:

Snowplowing Update: All is going well.


Public Input: There was no public input.

Permit Request: A request for a variance from Cole and Jenaye Pearson was reviewed. Jennifer Croonborg, from the Bayfield County Zoning Dept., gave a thorough explanation of the project. The Pearsons will be removing an existing structure and replacing it with a new structure using the original footprint of the former cabin. The variance is needed because of set-backs from Lake Superior. The Comprehensive Plan Commission made a recommendation to approve the variance. Bretting made a motion to approve the variance request from Cole and Jenaye Pearson, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried.

Broadband Resolution: A Resolution to support improved Broadband services for Centurylink was presented. Bretting made a motion to adopt Resolution 2016-01, supporting improved Broadband service from Centurylink, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried. A copy is attached.

NOAA Sanctuary Resolution: A Resolution to support a NOAA Sanctuary Refuge for Lake Superior was presented. Bretting made a motion to adopt Resolution 2016-02, supporting a NOAA Sanctuary for Lake Superior, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried. A copy is attached.

Hiring of New Road Foreman: The Board asked David Lucius if he would be interested in becoming the new Road Foreman. He indicated he would be interested if he can acquire health insurance comparable to what he now received with Northern Clearing. More research will be needed to see what can be offered. This item will appear on the March, 2016, agenda.

Road Crew Report: Lucius indicated that things are going well.

Clerk’s Report: Nothing new to report.

Chairman’s Report: Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report: Sanders provided the monthly report. A copy is included in these Minutes.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, February 9, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.

Expenditures: The expenditures were reviewed and checks approved and signed. Pocernich made a motion to accept the expenditures as presented, seconded by Bretting. Motion carried.

Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Lynn M. Divine, Clerk