2015 AUGUST 11

Town of Barksdale Board Meeting

Barksdale Town Hall
29025 East Ondossagon Rd.
Ashland, WI 54806

Date: Tuesday, August 11, 2015 at 7:00 PM

Present: Dennis Pocernich, John Nyara; Chris Bretting; Lynn Divine; Susan Sanders

Absent: None

Other’s Present: Mike Mlynarek, U. S. Fish & Wildlife Service; Duane Garz, Road Crew

Members of the Public Present: David Maki, John Milloy

Call To Order: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Pocernich at 7:00 p.m.

Verification of Posting and Publishing: Divine verified that the meeting notice was posted but forgot to have it published.

Approval of Previous Month’s Minutes: Bretting made a motion to dispense with reading the July 14, 2015, Minutes, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried.


Update on US Fish & Wildlife Activities: Mike Mlynarek indicated that last Friday was the last day for the Youth Crew. He will lose one worker this Friday and the last worker next Friday. He was very satisfied with the crew this year.

Mlynarek was not at the pre-construction meeting for the Wicksrom Bridge. Work on the steel pilings could begin tomorrow. Preliminary constructions could also begin this week or next. The bridge may not be ready until October.

Nyara met with Tom Toepfer, Bayfield County Highway Commissioner. He will send John a packet regarding the bridge aids the Town should get for their portion of the project costs.

Mlynarek mentioned that a couple culverts along the railroad grade off of Cherryville Rd. are partially collapsed and pose a hazard. The Bayfield County Forestry department will be asked to take a look at them and remedy the situation.

Comprehensive Plan Update: A Class B permit was reviewed for Patti and Craig Vernon, to operate a home-based business and to erect signage. The Commission recommended approval of the permit. The business is a retail antique/collectables store.

Ondossagon Road Update: Joan Whitman sent an e-mail updating everyone on the grant progress. To-date, no one has heard from the Forest Service regarding any grant monies available. Divine will send letters to municipalities, the county, EMS agencies, etc. to request letters of support for the project.


Public Input: There was no public input. The Board welcomed John Milloy, who has not visited the area for a year or more.

Class B Permit Request: A second bid was received for the project, however it did not arrive on time. It will be sent back to the bidder unopened.

The Board reviewed the bid submitted by Arnie Mackey Construction in the amount of $233,168. Everything appeared to be intact. Bretting made a motion to accept the bid from Arnie Mackey Construction in the amount of $233,168, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried.

Road Crew Report: Garz indicated that the road foreman for the Town of Washburn would like to be included in the road work on Wannabo Road. Divine indicated that the City of Washburn is also agreeable to having their part of the road worked on also, but want to wait until 2016 so that they can work it into their budgeting process in 2015. A contract proposal will be obtained from Northwoods Paving, separating each municipalities portion of the cost.

The board approved having the tires rotated on the tractor by Zifko Tires.

Clerk’s Report: Divine indicated that she will send out postcards to the residents for the annual picnic which will be held on Saturday, September 12, 2015, from Noon to 4:00 p.m. She will also send an e-mail for to the Board and Comprehensive Plan Commission members to indicate what they will be preparing for the occasion.

Chairman’s Report: Nothing new to report.

Treasurer’s Report: Sanders provided the monthly report. A copy is included in these Minutes.

Next Meeting: The next meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 13, 2015, at 7:00 p.m.

Expenditures: The expenditures were reviewed and checks approved and signed. Bretting made a motion to accept the expenditures as presented, seconded by Nyara. Motion carried.

Adjournment: There being no further business to discuss, the meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Lynn M. Divine
Town of Barksdale Clerk