2024 JULY 09

Monthly Town Board Meeting Agenda

Tuesday July 09, 2024
Barksdale Town Hall
29025 E. Ondossagon Rd., Ashland, WI

: Call the Meeting to Order
: Pledge of Allegiance
: Verify Open Meeting Notices Have Been Posted and Published
: Approval of June 11, 2024 Monthly Meeting Minutes

Old Business:

1.   Comprehensive Plan update
2.   Cozy Corner update and possible action
3.   Cozy Corner funding update and possible action
3.   Ondossagon Road discussion and possible action
3.   Ondossagon School discussion and possible action

New Business:

1.   Public input - each person is allowed 2 minutes to address the Board
2.   Comprehensive Plan resolution Discussion and possible action
3.   Seal Tech estimate discussion and possible action
4.   Snowplowing discussion and possible action
5.   Town Picnic - September 7, 2024 - discussion and possible action
6.   Road Foreman's Report
7.   Clerk’s report
8.   Chairman’s report
9.   Treasurer’s report
10.   Review and approval of Town expenditures
11.   Set next meeting date
12. Adjourn

Submitted by Angela Truchon, Clerk
Posted 7.8.2024 at Lake Shore Drive, Barksdale Town Hall, Bono Creek, Website