
2023 Sutton, Barbara. Bulletproof Fashion: Security, Emotions, and the Fortress Body. New York: Routledge.

2021 Sutton, Barbara and Nayla Luz Vacarezza, eds. Abortion and Democracy: Contentious Body Politics in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay. New York: Routledge. 

2010   Sutton, Barbara.  Bodies in Crisis: Culture, Violence, and Women’s Resistance in Neoliberal Argentina. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.

2008    Sutton, Barbara, Sandra Morgen, and Julie Novkov, eds. Security Disarmed: Critical Perspectives on Gender, Race, and Militarization. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press. 

Journal Dossiers

2022  Dossier “Resurgencias feministas en el Cono Sur,” guest co-edited by Nayla Luz Vacarezza and Barbara Sutton. Conversaciones del Cono Sur 6 (1).

2020 Dossier "Género, violencia y resistencia. Memorias del terrorismo de Estado," guest co-edited by Mariela Peller and Barbara Sutton. Clepsidra: Revista de Estudios sobre Memoria 7 (14).

Refereed Articles

2023 Sutton, Barbara. “ 'Loved by Moms and Law Enforcement Alike': Militarizing Civilian Bodies Through Bulletproof Fashion.” Catalyst: Feminism, Theory, Technoscience 9(1): 1-7.

2021 Sutton, Barbara. "Reclaiming the Body: Abortion Rights Activism in Argentina." Feminist Formations 33 (2): 25-51.

2020    Sutton, Barbara. "Intergenerational Encounters in the Struggle for Abortion Rights in Argentina." Women's Studies International Forum 82 (September-October):

2020    Sutton, Barbara and Nayla Vacarezza. "Abortion Rights in Images: Visual Interventions by Activist Organizations in Argentina." Signs: Journal of Women   in Culture and Society 45 (3): 731-757.

2019    Sutton, Barbara and Elizabeth Borland. 2019. "Abortion and Human Rights for Women in Argentina." Frontiers: Journal of Women's Studies 40 (2): 27-61.

2018   Sutton, Barbara and Elizabeth Borland. "Queering Abortion Rights: Notes from Argentina." Culture, Health & Sexuality 20 (12): 1378-1393.

2017    Sutton, Barbara. “Zonas de Clandestinidad y‘Nuda Vida’: Mujeres, Cuerpo y Aborto.” Estudos Feministas 25 (2): 889-902.

2017   Sutton, Barbara and Kate Paarlberg Kvam. "Fashion of Fear for Kids." InVisible Culture: An Electronic Journal for Visual Culture 25, Online.

2015    Sutton, Barbara. "Collective Memory and the Language of Human Rights: Attitudes Toward Torture in Contemporary Argentina." Latin American Perspectives 42 (3): 73-91.

2013    Sutton, Barbara and Kari Marie Norgaard. "Cultures of Denial: Avoiding Knowledge of State Violations of Human Rights  in Argentina and the United States." Sociological Forum 28 (3), 495-524.  

2013    Sutton, Barbara and Elizabeth Borland. “Framing Abortion Rights in Argentina’s Encuentros   Nacionales  de Mujeres.” Feminist Studies 39  (1): 194-234.

2013    Casanova, Erynn and Barbara Sutton. "Transnational Body Projects: Media Representations of Cosmetic Surgery Tourism in Argentina and the United States." Journal of World Systems Research XIX (1): 57-81

2013     Friedman, Ronald S. and Barbara Sutton. “Selling the War?:  System-Justifying Effects of Commercial Advertising on Civilian Casualty Tolerance.” Political Psychology 34 (3): 351–367.

2011  Sutton, Barbara. “Playful Cards, Serious Talk: A Qualitative Research Technique to Elicit Women’s Embodied Experiences.” Qualitative Research  11 (2): 177-196.

2008    Sutton, Barbara. “Contesting Racism: Democratic Citizenship, Human Rights, and Anti-Racist Politics in Argentina.” Latin American Perspectives 35 (Nov.): 106-121.

2007   Sutton, Barbara. “Naked Protest: Memories of Bodies and Resistance at the World Social Forum.”  Journal of International   Women’s Studies 8 (3): 139-148.

2007    Sutton, Barbara. “Poner el Cuerpo: Women’s Embodiment and Political Resistance in Argentina.” Latin American Politics and Society 49 (3): 129-162.

2007     Borland, Elizabeth and Barbara Sutton. "Quotidian Disruption and Women's Activism in Times of Crisis, Argentina, 2002-2003." Gender & Society 21(5): 700-722.

Book Chapters and Encyclopedia Entries               

2022  Sutton, Bárbara. “Memoria, cuerpo y emoción: Testimonios de mujeres sobrevivientes del terrorismo de estado.” Pp. 259-301 in Testimonios, género y afectos: América Latina desde los territorios y las memorias al presente, edited by Claudia Bacci and Alejandra Oberti. Villa María: EDUVIM.

2021  Sutton, Barbara and Nayla Luz Vacarezza. “Abortion Rights and Democracy: An Introduction.” Pp. 1-25 in Abortion and Democracy: Contentious Body Politics in Argentina, Chile, and Uruguay, edited by Barbara Sutton and Nayla Luz Vacarezza. London and New York: Routledge. 

2021   Vacarezza, Nayla Luz and Barbara Sutton. “Cartas para un porvenir feminista.” Pp. 13-28 in Cartas de acompañantes de abortos: Escritos de jóvenes activistas para tramar rebeldías aborteras, edited by Maria Belén Grosso and Ruth Zurbriggen. Buenos Aires: Socorristas en Red.

2014   Sutton, Barbara. “‘More than Reproductive Uteruses:’ Women and the Politics of Abortion in Argentina.”  Pp. 141-192 in Cuerpo,  educación y liderazgo político: Una mirada desde el género y los estudios feministas. Quito: FLACSO, Sede Ecuador: University of Maryland: Latin American  Studies Association. 

2013    Sutton, Barbara. “Fashion of Fear: Securing the Body in an Unequal Global World.” Pp. 75-99 in Bodies without Borders, edited by Erynn Masi de Casanova and Afshan Jafar. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.           

2012    Sutton, Barbara. “Body.” Pp. 111-116 in Encyclopedia of Globalization, edited by George Ritzer. Malden: MA: Wiley-Blackwell.

2008    Sutton, Barbara and Julie Novkov. “Rethinking Security, Confronting Inequality: An Introduction.” Pp. 3-29 in Security Disarmed: Critical Perspectives on Gender, Race and Militarization, edited by Barbara Sutton, Sandra Morgen, and Julie Novkov. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.                                                                                                          

2007    Sutton, Barbara. “Gendered Bodily Scars of Neoliberal Globalization in Argentina.” Pp. 147-168 in The Gender of Globalization: Women Navigating Cultural and Economic Marginalities, edited by Nandini Gunewardena and Ann Kingsolver. Santa Fe, NM: SAR Press.        

2004    Sutton, Barbara. “Las Mujeres y la Crisis: Marcas en el Cuerpo.” [Women and the Crisis: Marks on the Body]  Pp. 179-186 in Cuerpos Ineludibles: Un Diálogo a Partir de las Sexualidades en América Latina, edited by Josefina Fernández, Mónica D’Uva, and Paula Viturro. Buenos Aires: Ediciones Ají de Pollo.

Short Articles, Symposia, Commentaries, and Photo Essays

2023 Sutton, Bárbara. “'Marea Verde', Resistencias Feministas y Futuros Emancipatorios." LASA Forum 54 (3): 18-24. 

2023 Sutton, Bárbara. “Armas y moda blindada: ¿Seguridad?" Diario Con Vos. 

2023  Sutton, Barbara, Ingrid Metzler, Lisa Smyth, and Amy Krauss. A Question of Life Panelists Respond to Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, Global Observatory.


2023 Barbara Sutton and Nayla Luz Vacarezza. “Introduction: Abortion Rights Strategies in Argentina, Colombia, and Mexico." South Atlantic Quarterly 122 (2): 378–385.


2023 Barbara Sutton. “Abortion Rights in the Crosshairs: A Transnational Perspective on Resistance Strategies." Journal of Lesbian Studies, DOI: 10.1080/10894160.2023.2174682

2022 Sutton, Bárbara. “Cuerpos.” Pp. 17-18 in Ser mujeres en la ESMA II: Tiempo de encuentros. [Buenos Aires]: Museo Sitio de Memoria ESMA, Centro de Estudios Legales y Sociales.


2022 Vacarezza, Nayla Luz and Bárbara Sutton. “Legados democráticos, estrategias y desafíos de los movimientos por el derecho al aborto en el Cono Sur.” Dossier “Resurgencias feministas en el Cono Sur.” Conversaciones del Cono Sur 6 (1).


2022 Sutton, Bárbara. “Políticas del cuerpo en clave de género y derechos humanos.” Diario con Vos. 

2021 Jelin, Elizabeth and Bárbara Sutton. "Memoria, género y activismo. Resistencia a la dictadura y lucha por el aborto legal." Aletheia 11 (22): e099.

2021 Sutton, Barbara. "Clandestine No More: Legal, Safe, and Free Abortion in Argentina." Georgetown Journal of International Affairs, February 16.

2020 Peller, Mariela and Bárbara Sutton. "Introducción. Género y memorias sobre las violencias en dictadura." Clepsidra 7 (14): 6-11. 

2020     Peluffo, Ana, Andrea Andújar, Bila Sorj, Bárbara Sutton, Catalina Trebisacce, Cecilia Maria Bacellar Sardenberg, Dora Barrancos,  Joana Maria Pedro, Mary Garcia Castro, Nora Domínguez, Susana Rostagnol.  “Simpósio: cinco questões sobre os estudos de gênero na América Latina.” Interview by  Alejandra Josiowicz.  Estudos Históricos 33 (70): 227-253.

2019    Sutton, Barbara. "Thinking about Reproductive Justice." Art, Women, Race, and Class Reading Group, Commentary based on Angela Davis's "Racism, Birth Control and Reproductive Rights" (In Davis, Angela. 1983 [1981] Women, Race, and Class. New York: Vintage Books), University Art Museum, University at Albany. 

2017    Sutton, Barbara. "Beauty in Places of Horror: Testimonies of Women Survivors of Clandestine Detention Centers in Argentina." ReVista: Harvard Review of Latin America (Spring): 29-32.

2010    Sutton, Barbara. “Situating Memory in Argentina.” Print Photo Essay. Contexts 9 (3): 52-57. [A publication of the American Sociological  Association]

 2007    Sutton, Barbara. “Memorias y Encierros / Memories and Enclosures.” Digital Photo Essay. In “Visualizing Absence” by Lorie Novak,  Barbara Sutton, and Mirta Kupferminc.” e-misférica (November, 4.2) Body Matters/Corpografías. 

Book and Film Reviews

2020 Sutton, Barbara. Book review of Argentina Betrayed Memory, Mourning, and Accountability by Antonius C. G. M. Robben. Journal of Latin American Studies 52 (2): 451-453.

2018   Sutton, Barbara. Book review of Legacies and Memories in Movements: Justice and Democracy in Southern Europe by Donatella della Porta, Massimiliano Andretta, Tiago Fernandes, Eduardo Romanos, and Markos Vogiatzoglou. Mobilization 23 (3): 391-392.

2014   Sutton, Barbara. Book review of "Traumatic States: Gendered Violence, Suffering, and Care in Chile" by Nia Parson. Human Rights Quarterly 36 (2): 496-501.

2011    Sutton, Barbara. Book review of Making Transnational Feminism: Rural Women, NGO Activists and Northern Donors in Brazil  by Millie Thayer. Contemporary Sociology, 40 (5): 625-626.

2010    Sutton, Barbara. Book review of Terrorizing Women: Feminicide in the Américas, edited by Rosa-Linda Fregoso and Cynthia Bejarano for a special issue of the International Feminist Journal of Politics, “New Directions in Feminism and Human Rights,”  12 (3): 531-533.

2010   Sutton, Barbara. “Latin American Feminisms: Progress, Strategies, and Challenges under Democracy.” Book review of Feminist Agendas and Democracy in Latin America, edited by Jane S. Jaquette. A Contracorriente 7 (3): 513-519.

2000  Sutton, Barbara. Book review of Tracing the Veins: Of Copper, Culture, and Community from Butte to Chuquicamata by Janet Finn, American Journal of Sociology 105:1211-1213.

1999    Sutton, Barbara. Film review of “Rachel’s Daughters: Searching for the Causes of Breast Cancer.” Organization & Environment 12:459-460.

Newsletter Articles and Blogs

2019 “To Kid or Not to Kid—Film Launches a Conversation about Childfree Choice” with Maxine Trump, Amy Blackstone, Wendy Simonds, and Barbara Sutton. Network News, Fall: 24-26.

2011   Sutton, Barbara. “Civic Engagement in the Women’s Studies Classroom.” Women’s Studies Department Newsletter, University at Albany, Spring.

2010    Sutton, Barbara. “Bodies in Crisis: Highlighting Women’s Experiences in Difficult Economic Times.” Women’s Studies Department Newsletter, University at Albany, Spring.

2009    Sutton, Barbara. “Escuela de Mecánica de la Armada.”  Sociology of the Body and Embodiment Newsletter, Inaugural Issue, October: 3.

2009    Sutton, Barbara. “Teaching Gender and Climate Change: Selected Resources.”   Resource posted for Blog Action Day (theme: climate change) in “Hot Flash: World Warming Up to Women”  by Virginia Rutter, October 15. 

2009    Sutton, Barbara and Julie Novkov. “Rethinking Security, Challenging Militarization, and Confronting Inequalities.” Women’s Studies Department Newsletter, University at Albany, Spring: 4.

2008    Sutton, Barbara. “Women’s Worlds 2008: An Internationally Significant Conference.” SWS [Sociologists for Women in Society] Network News, XXV (3): 6.   Reprinted in the RC-32 Newsletter, December 2008: 12-13. 

2002    Sutton, Barbara and Sandra Morgen. “The Impoverishment of Women Bibliography.” Voices: A Publication of the Association for Feminist Anthropology. Special Issue: The Impoverishment of Women (December): 45-69.