Media Interviews, Podcasts & Blogs

2022 Interview (with Nayla Vacarezza) by Melody Fonseca for Hilando Fino (Spanish), a radio show in Puerto Rico, October 11.

2022 Interviewed for and quoted in “In the GOP’s New Surveillance State, Everyone’s a Snitch” by Pema Levy, Mother Jones, July 28.

2022 Interview (with Nayla Vacarezza) in Latin+ Feminist Podcast (Spanish), July.

2021 Interview in Cuerpa Politica podcast by Rebecca Ogden and Rachell Sanchez Rivera, “Bodies as Territory, Bodies in Crisis: Reproductive Politics in Argentina.” September 15.

2020 Interviewed for and quoted in “Sara, en clave de género. El legado de Sara Solarz de Osatinsky revisitado a la luz de la política del cuidado” by Bárbara Komarovsky, El Cohete a la Luna, November 29.

2019 Interviewed for and quoted in “Legal Abortions in Argentina Remain Elusive for Most Vulnerable” by Allison Herrera, The World, Public Radio International, March 22.

2018 Interview in Voces Críticas/Critical Voices KZSC (Santa Cruz, CA) radio show hosted by Sylvanna Falcón. “Women’s Testimonios as Resistance in Argentina,” December 20. Also aired in Radio Free America.

2018 Interview in UAlbany News Podcast by Sarah O’Carroll, “Fight in Argentina to Legalize Abortion with Barbara Sutton,” September 18.

2018 Interview in the American Sociological Association Body and Embodiment Section Blog by Paige Sweet, “Surviving State Terror: An Interview with Professor Barbara Sutton,” August 31.

2018 Interviewed for and quoted in “Why Women in Argentina are Speaking up about their Abortions” by Bridget Gleeson, Roads & Kingdoms, July 26.

2014 Interview in “Materia Prima” by Irupé Tentorio, Suplemento Las 12, Página/12, a nationally-distributed newspaper in Argentina, August 29.

2014 Interview in “Spotlight” by Stephanie Kaylor, She Breathes, Holding Our Own, Inc., Albany, NY, May 15.

2010 Interviewed for and quoted in “Bicentenary Women” by Vicky Gashe. The Argentimes, May 24.

2005 Interview on KOPT radio, Air America affiliate, about gender, race, and militarization, October 26, Eugene, Oregon.

2005 Interview on KOPT radio, Air America affiliate, about the effects of globalization on women’s lives in Argentina, July 26, Eugene, Oregon.