New presentations


"The Charm of Diaries"

    (With many visuals, this talk traces the diary from the early Japanese pillow diaries through Anne Frank and today's blogs, Facebook pages, and         

     tweets.  You don't need to keep a diary every day to have a fine diary.  This is one of many myths exploded.  The many forms and benefits of journal-

    writing are described.)

"Virginia Woolf's Brilliant Diary & the Diaries She Read"

  (With many images, this talks describes how Woolf's semi-private diary-keeping assisted her as a writer and how she drew on other diaries as 



"Virginia Woolf, the Arts & Crafts Movement, and the Art of the Diary"

(With many pictures, this talk swiftly highlights Woolf's legacy, her link to the British arts & crafts moveent, and her contribution as the "Shakespeare of the Diary")

If your group would like to schedule me for a presentation, please contact me at

To order a paperback or hard cover copy of Virginia Woolf: Her Early Diaries and the Diaries She Read; Virginia Woolf's Modernist Path: Her Middle Diaries and the Diaries She Read; and/or Virginia Woolf, The War Without, The War Within: Her Final Diaries and the Diaries She Read see the discount flier below.   







Last Updated July 2, 2021