Have you ever experienced complete darkness?

Not just a really dark night, but the kind of darkness where you can't even see your own hand in front of your face. Have you ever experienced that kind of darkness?

This is the way Jesus speaks about our world and why he came. He said, "I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness." And so, by saying this, he isn't just making a claim about himself, but he is also making a claim about us and our world, even today, 2,000 year on... Not even the so-called enlightenment gave us the light we need, we are still in the dark. Jesus is saying that as he is the light and he came into the world, light therefore doesn't come from us or from this world, but from Jesus.

But is this claim true? Are we really in the dark? Is he really the light of the world?

If true, wouldn't you want to know? What are we in the dark about and do we even need his light?

See how Sam Allberry explains it and test this claim...

We all know by our own experience that we are not the light of the world, because we all know something of the darkness within each of us. But looking at Jesus, do you see that he is the light we need?

If this claim is true, then just by looking at his life and hearing his words, it would make us feel like we are the ones being exposed. Yet he came into the world as light to shine into the darkness, not to expose us and condemn us, but to make us see and to save us. So that when we follow him we will not remain in darkness. By shining his true light, we see who we are and we see the darkness for what it is, and more importantly, by his light we truly see who Jesus is and what his light means.

Don't you want to see the light and know what it means for your future?

Cal Morrison

Pastor of Bellshill Baptist Church

I once called myself an atheist and would often deny God's existence and mock Jesus. But then I had an experience where his light opened my eyes and it changed my life. Ever since then I have been getting to know Jesus more and more through his word and with his people, and while I am not perfect and I am not the true light, I find myself now as a pastor of this church because I want to share the light with others who don't know like I didn't know (we were all in the darkness at some point), and tell people about the one who called me out of darkness into his marvellous light, that he came to do that for you too.

If you want to know more about how Jesus is the light of the world and what that means for you, then I would love to chat with you at some point.

Hit the button below to send me a message and let's chat.