What's On


Every Sunday at 10:30am we come together as a church. When we gather together, often we sing hymns, have prayers, teach the Bible, enjoy fellowship, take communion, serve one another, give thanks together and aim to do all things in Jesus' name, for all things are from him and for him, and he is our life.

Sunday Teaching

At the start of 2023 we began a teaching series through the book of Exodus. This is a fairly large book of the Bible which will take a good bit of time to work through, but it is also a rich part of salvation history which brightly points to what the Good News of Jesus is all about. The Exodus was not only one of the major events in Israel's history but through it God particularly revealed himself to humanity. As we work our way through the account of the Exodus, we can see how it points to and helps us understand the greater Exodus Jesus brought about and the greater revelation of God through who Jesus is and what he did.

If you want to learn more about Exodus, we would encourage you to join us on Sundays and your can listen to any of the messages by clicking - Sermons Online

Dr Carmen Imes (Associate Professor of Old Testament at Biola University) provides very helpful short videos working through the pages of Exodus (as well as other books of the Bible). You can watch them by clicking here.

Last year we concluded two years teaching through the book of Acts, in a series entitled 'King & Kingdom.' We found this greatly encouraging, seeing how Jesus is risen and ascended, continuing to act from heaven and speak through ordinary people to share the good news of his coming kingdom to the ends of the earth.

If you want to hear any of the messages throughout Acts, or any other Bible Books or Themes we have taught, you can find them in our 'Resources' page. If you want to know more about the historicity and accuracy of the Book of Acts, here are a couple of links to get you started on the author and his detailed account:



And mentioned in the above link is... https://crossexamined.org/historical-accuracy-book-acts/

Last autumn we spent six weeks teaching through the Prologue in John's Gospel to explore who Jesus really is. Many people through the ages have particularly appreciated the deep theological reflections of one of Jesus' closest disciples. John's Gospel stands separately from Matthew, Mark and Luke, not necessarily in value (all are equally inspired) but rather in the Christological themes that he focuses on more directly than the others. One of the reasons we wanted to do teach slowly and intentionally through just the first 18 verses of the entire book was because John wrote the prologue in order to set the tone and groundwork to understand the rest of his book.

John's Gospel is often suggested as the starting place for anyone wanting to read the Bible for themselves and learn about who Jesus really is. As such, we encourage you to read John's Gospel for yourself and we hope that perhaps these sermons on the prologue will help you understand why John is saying such grand things about this Jewish man called Jesus, his Rabbi and friend. Hence the title - This man Jesus is 'More Than Flesh & Bones.'

You can find these sermons in the Resources page.


Over Advent last year we explored the theme of Jesus being the light in the darkness. We found this really helpful in understanding what Christmas - the coming of Christ - means, not just for them back then, but for the world ever since, including each one of us now.

We have kept the page for this theme so that anyone can explore it themselves anytime throughout the year.

To find out more about what it means for Jesus to be the light, click here.


On Wednesday evenings we gather in the back hall for Bible Study and prayer, usually starting at 7:30pm. Anyone who wants to explore the Bible more, ask questions or join us for prayer is welcome.

Ladies Fellowship

May to October

Every 2nd Monday @ 7.30pm In Church Hall

A Time For Fellowship, Friendship, And A Cup of Tea

See Church Calendar Below for Dates & Speakers


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