Who Are We?
We are a group of ordinary people who have come to know the extraordinary God of the universe through his Son Jesus Christ. He came to reveal God like never before and renew humanity through his life, death and resurrection. We have found his claims to be trustworthy and true; that he is indeed alive and is himself the Way and the Truth and the Life.
In him we have found forgiveness for our guilt, freedom from our sin, peace with God and man, and hope in life and death. He is full of grace and truth, he brings healing and renewal, and we have found this because others have told us about him.
We gather as a family of faith every Sunday at 10:30am in the centre of Bellshill and we would be glad to share this good news with anyone interested in learning more about how good Jesus is.
Who is Jesus?
There is a reason the world has never been the same since Jesus came - the True Light came into the world. There is a reason no one has found any guilt or sin in his life and yet many have be transformed by his death. He is the Messiah who was predicted to come, the Son of Man in the prophets and the Son of God from the beginning. He is the Word of God in Genesis 1 and the Seed of the Woman in Genesis 3. He is the Passover Lamb and the Mighty rescuer in Exodus, the Priest and the Temple in Leviticus. He is the Pillar of Cloud and Fire and also the One Lifted on a Pole who saves people from death in Numbers. He is the Refuge in Deuteronomy and the Prophet like Moses. He is the Warrior seen in Joshua, the Rescuer seen in Judges and the Redeemer seen in Ruth. He is the Shepherd in Samuel and the Righteous Ruler in Kings. He is the One who the law and the prophets and the psalms are written about.
The manner of life from birth to death was predicted and fulfilled at the right time and place in history. His words and deeds confirmed he was not only the long-awaited Messiah, but he was the Son of God, having come from heaven and come from the Father, having been with the Father before the world existed.
Though he died in the flesh, he rose again, just as he predicted and as the prophets said. He ascended into heaven to receive his kingdom, as it was written in Psalm 110 and Daniel 7. His risen, glorified, eternal body does not belong in this fallen world, he is already the first and the king of the new world he is creating. This world is passing away yet from heaven he is preparing and transforming as many as would come to him, that they may be ready and renewed when he returns, which will be evident to all. To this he invites all people to respond and come to him.
One day he will judge the living and the dead in righteousness, which is good because we know the world lacks justice, yet we are all guilty. Therefore, Jesus has given his life as a ransom, dying for the sins of the world, because all have sinned and are bound to death. He calls all to come to him because only he can remove our sin and rescue us from death. The good news is that to him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him and calls on his name will receive forgiveness of sins and life in his name. Not that he ignores evil, but he begins the process of removing evil by judging it on the cross, cancelling it's debt and transforming people by the power of his Spirit into new people fit for his kingdom. No form of sin or evil will ever enter his kingdom, so it follows that those he takes into his kingdom will finally and definitively be separated from sin forever and finally free to live as they are made to live.
We believe there is nothing and no one else who makes sense of this world and all of these things like Jesus does. Why not find out for yourself.
Exploring Church or Christianity?
Whether or not you have had experience in a church, you may want to explore what Christianity is all about. Sometimes Christians and Churches can show well what Christianity is about, other times not so much (we are all imperfect). We find the best picture of what Christianity is all about is to look at the Christ himself - Jesus of Nazareth. We would encourage you to read for yourself, perhaps starting with one of the Gospels, who Jesus was and what he came to do. If you have never read the Bible as an adult, we would be glad to join you in a casual setting and begin to read with you.
A helpful resource and way to do this kind of joint exploration of the Bible is The Word One to One.
We have also found many helpful introductions to what Christianity is all about.
Click the image below to see one such resource.
Get a flavour of the Bible through the teaching
We believe that one of the best ways to understand the Bible is to regularly teach systematically through books the Bible. Sometimes there will be thematic teaching, focusing on a particular topic of theology or practice, but the regular pattern will usually always be working our way through some book of the Bible.
You can click the image below to access the catalogue of teaching.