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Total: 81, Chapter: 2, Journal: 28, Conference & Workshops: 50, Filing patent:1

List of papers in Google Scholar: Bappaditya Mandal (


[81] C. Tan, S. Lallee and B. Mandal, "Vision and Memory: Looking Beyond Immediate Visual Perception", Chapter in Computational and Cognitive Neuroscience of Vision, Springer, pp. 195-219, 2017. [PDF] [BibTex]

[80] B. Mandal, Rosary Lim, Peilun Dai, Mona R. Sayed, L. Li and J-H. Lim, "Trends in Machine and Human Face Recognition," Chapter in Advances in Face Detection and Facial Image Analysis, Springer, pp. 145-187, Apr 2016. [PDF]  [BibTeX]


[79] Y. Deshmukh, B. Mandal, Peter Yeates and Jenni Watson, "Towards Quantification of Eye Contacts Between Trainee Doctors and Simulated Patients in Consultation Videos ", International Conference on AI in Healthcare (AIiH), Swansea, United Kingdom, Sep 2024. (Accepted) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[78] R. Biju, U. Goparaju, D. Gangadharan and B. Mandal, "Grid LSTM based Attention Modelling for Traffic Flow Prediction", IEEE  99th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2024), Singapore, Jun 2024. (Accepted) [PDF] [BibTeX] 

[77] K. Mistry and B. Mandal, "Unified Deep Ensemble Architecture for Multiple Classification Tasks", 10th Intelligent systems Conference (IntelliSys2024), Amsterdam, Netherlands, Sep 2024. (Accepted) [PDF] [BibTeX]


[76] B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan and V. Homi, "Visual Attention Assisted Games", IEEE  Conference on Games (CoG 2023), Boston, USA, Aug 2023. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[75] U. Goparaju, R. Biju, Pravalika M., Bhavana M., D. Gangadharan, B. Mandal and Pradeep C., "Optimization and Performance Evaluation of Hybrid Deep Learning Models for Traffic Flow Prediction", IEEE  97th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2023), Florence, Italy, Jun 2023. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[74] S. Sarangi and B. Mandal, "Deep Neural Network Based Attention Model for Structural Component Recognition", The 18th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2023), Lisbon, Portugal, Feb 2023. Student received the prize for Best Performance on the MSc Artificial Intelligence and Data Science Programme Award, from the School of Computer Science and Mathematics at Keele University. [PDF] [BibTeX]


[73] G. Bhattacharya, N. B. Puhan and B. Mandal , "Kernelized dynamic convolution routing in spatial and channel interaction for attentive concrete defect recognition", Signal Processing: Image Communication, Elsevier, Oct, 2022. (Impact factor: 3.453) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[72] S. Mishra, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Perturbed Composite Attention Model for Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Image Classification", IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence  (TAI), 2022. (Impact factor: 4.9) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[71] S. Mishra, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "MacularNet: Towards Fully Automated Attention-Based Deep CNN for Macular Disease Classification", SN Computer Science, Springer, Jan, 2022. [PDF] [BibTeX] 

[70] A. Kaothalkar, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "StructureNet: Deep Context Attention Learning for Structural Component Recognition", The 17th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP 2022), Feb 2022. [PDF] [BibTeX]


[69] G. Bhattacharya, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Interleaved Deep Artifacts-Aware Attention Mechanism for Concrete Structural Defect Classification", IEEE Transactions on Image Processing  (TIP), Sep, 2021. (Impact factor: 10.856) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[68] G. Bhattacharya, N. B. Puhan and B. Mandal, "Stand-alone Composite Attention Network for Concrete Structural Defect Classification", IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence  (TAI), Sep, 2021. (Impact factor: 4.9) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[67] N. Sultana, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Deep Regularized Discriminative Network", SN Computer Science, Springer, Apr, 2021. (Impact factor: 3.8) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[66] Rashmi Panda, N. B. Puhan, B. Mandal and Ganapati Panda, "GlaucoNet: Patch-Based Residual Deep Learning Network for Optic Disc and Cup Segmentation Towards Glaucoma Assessment", SN Computer Science, Springer, Feb, 2021. (Impact factor: 3.8) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[65] X. Wang, Y. Yang and B. Mandal, "Automatic Detection of Skin Cancer Melanoma using Transfer Learning in Deep Network", International Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICoBE 2021), Malaysia, Sep, 2021. [PDF] [BibTeX]


[64] G. Bhattacharya, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Multi-deformation Aware Attention Learning for Concrete Structural Defect Classification", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (TCSVT), Sep, 2020. (Impact factor: 4.133) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[63] S. Behera,  S. Mishra, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Variance-guided Attention-based Twin Deep Network for Cross-spectral Periocular Recognition", Image and Vision Computing  (IVC), Elsevier, Sep, 2020. (Impact factor: 3.103) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[62] I. Goel, N. B. Puhan and  B. Mandal , "Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Double-Identity Fingerprint Detection", IEEE Sensors Letters  (SL), Apr, 2020. (Impact factor: 3.04). [PDF] [BibTeX]

[61] S. Behera,  B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Twin Deep Convolutional Neural Network-based Cross-spectral Periocular Recognition", Twenty Sixth National Conference on Communications (NCC), IIT Kharagpur, India, Feb, 2020. [PDF] [BibTeX]


[60] S. Mishra, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Multi-level Dual-attention Based CNN for Macular Optical Coherence Tomography Classification ," IEEE Signal Processing Letters  (SPL), Oct, 2019. (Impact factor: 3.268) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[59] B. Mandal, N. B. Puhan and A. Verma, "Deep Convolutional Generative Adversarial Network Based Food Recognition Using Partially Labeled Data," IEEE Sensors Letters  (SL), Feb, 2019. (Impact factor: 3.04) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[58] P. Mainwaring and B. Mandal, "Improved Lifelog Ego-centric Video Summarization Using Ensemble of Deep Learned Object Features ," 30th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Workshop on Applications of Egocentric Vision Workshop (EgoApp), Cardiff, UK, Sep, 2019.  [PDF] [BibTeX]

[57] N. Gonuguntla, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan , "Enhanced Deep Video Summarization Network ," 30th British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), Workshop on Applications of Egocentric Vision Workshop (EgoApp), Cardiff, UK, Sep, 2019.  [PDF] [BibTeX]


[56] N. Sultana, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Deep Residual Network with Regularized Fisher Framework for Detection of Melanoma," IET Computer Vision (IET CV), Jun, 2018. (Impact factor: 1.648) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[55] R. Panda, N. B. Puhan, A. Rao, B. Mandal, D. Padhy and G. Panda, "Deep convolutional neural network based patch classification for retinal nerve fiber layer defect detection in early glaucoma ," Journal of Medical Imaging  (JMI), SPIE,  vol 5, no. 4, Oct, 2018. (CiteScore 2017: 1.74 , h5-index: 16) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[54] S. Song,  N-M Cheung, V. Chandrasekhar and B. Mandal, "Deep Adaptive Temporal Pooling for Activity Recognition," ACM Multimedia Conference (ACM MM), Seoul, Korea, Oct, 2018.  [PDF] [BibTeX]

[53] B. Mandal, J. Fajtl, V. Argyriou, D. Monekosso and P. Remagnino, "Deep Residual Network with Subclass Discriminant Analysis for Crowd Behavior Analysis," 25th IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), Athens, Greece, May, 2018. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[52] N. N. Sultana, N. B. Puhan and B. Mandal, "DeepPCA Based Objective Function for Melanoma Detection", 17th International Conference on Information Technology  (ICIT), Bhubaneswar, India, Oct, 2018. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[51] S. S. Behera,  B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, "Cross-spectral Periocular Recognition: A Survey", International Conference on Emerging Research in Electronics, Computer Science and Technology (ICERECT), Mandya, India, Aug, 2018. [PDF] [BibTeX]



[50] B. Mandal, L. Li, G. Wang and Lin Jie, “Towards Detection of Bus Driver Fatigue Based on Robust Visual Analysis of Eye State,” IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), vol. 18, no. 3, pp. 545-557, Mar, 2017. (Impact factor: 5.744) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[49] A. Chakraborty, B. Mandal and J. Yuan, “Person Re-identification Using Multiple Egocentric Views,” IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology (CSVT), vol. 27, no. 3, pp. 484-498, Mar, 2017. (Impact factor: 4.046) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[48] E. Cambria, A. Chattopadhyay, E. Linn, B. Mandal, B. White, “Storages Are Not Forever,” Cognitive Computation (COGN), Springer, pp. 1-13, 2017. (Impact factor: 3.479) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[47] P. Pandey, A. Deepthi, B. Mandal and N. B. Puhan, “FoodNet: Recognizing Foods Using Ensemble of Deep Networks,” IEEE Signal Processing Letters (SPL), pp. 1758-1762, Oct, 2017. (Impact factor: 3.268) [PDF] [BibTeX] [Database]

[46] Ana G. Molino, B. Mandal, Lin Jie, J-H Lim, V. Subbaraju and V. Chandrasekhar, “I2R VC @ ImageClef2017: Ensemble of Deep Learnt Features for Lifelog Video Summarization,” Image Conference and Labs of the Evaluation Forum (ImageCLEF 2017), ImageCLEFlifelog: Lifelog Summarization Benchmarking Competition, Dublin, Ireland, May-Sep 2017. (Competition Result: ranked at the 1st place). [PDF] [Link here, 'I2R'] [BibTex]

[45] Mona R. Sayed, R. Lim, B. Mandal, L. Li, J-H Lim and T. Sim, “Analysis of Human Attentions for Face Recognition on Natural Videos and Comparison with CV Algorithm on Performance,” Science of Intelligence: Computational Principles of Natural and Artificial Intelligence, Symposium in Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI), Stanford University, USA, Mar, 2017. [PDF] [BibTex]

[44] Liyuan Li, B. Mandal, C. Tan and Joo Hwee Lim, "Learning Cognitive Manifolds of Faces", IEEE 2nd International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), Singapore, Mar 2017. [PDF]

[43] V. Subbaraju, Q. Xu, B. Mandal, Liyuan Li and Joo Hwee Lim, "An empirical approach for automatic face clustering on personal lifelogging images", IEEE 2nd International Conference on Signal and Image Processing (ICSIP), Singapore, Mar 2017. [PDF]


[42] B. Mandal, Wang Zhikai, Liyuan Li and A. Kassim, “Performance evaluation of local descriptors and distance measures on benchmarks and first-person-view videos for face identification,” Journal of Neurocomputing, vol. 184, pp. 107-116, Apr 2016. (Impact factor: 3.241) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[41] Q. Xu, S. Ching, B. Mandal, L. Li, J-H Lim, M. Mukawa and C. Tan, “SocioGlass: Social interaction assistance with face recognition on google glass,” Journal of Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices, Springer, vol. 2, no. 7, pp. 1-4, Jul 2016. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[40] Q. Xu, S. Ching, J-H Lim, L. Yiqun, B. Mandal and L. Li, “MedHelp: Enhancing medication compliance for demented elderly people with wearable visual intelligence,” Journal of Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices, Springer, vol. 2, no. 1, pp. 1-4, Apr 2016. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[39] B. Mandal, David Lee and N. Ouarti , "Distinguishing Posed and Spontaneous Smiles by Facial Dynamics", 2nd Workshop on Spontaneous Facial Behavior Analysis in conjunction with Asian Conference on Computer Vision (ACCV), Taipei, Taiwan, vol. 1, pp. 552-566, Nov 2016. Received the Best Student Paper Award 2016: Honourable Mention Award from the Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence Association (PREMIA) member society of International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR) in Singapore with student David Lee. [PDF] [BibTeX] [PREMIA News]

[38] S. Song, V. Chandrasekhar, B. Mandal, L. Li, J-H Lim, G-S Babu, P-P San and N-M Cheung, “Multimodal Multi-stream Deep Learning for Egocentric Activity Recognition”, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (CVPRW) on Egocentric vision, pp. 378-385, Jun 2016. [PDF] [BibTex] [Database]

[37] A. Chakraborty, B. Mandal and H. Galoogahi, “Person Re-identification Using Multiple First-Person-Views on Wearable Devices,” IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV), Lake Placid, NY, USA, pp. 1-8, Mar 2016. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[36] B. Mandal, “Face recognition: Perspectives from the real world,” 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, (ICARCV), Phuket, Thailand, pp. 1-5, Nov 2016. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[35] S. Song, N-M Cheung, V. Chandrasekhar, B. Mandal and J. Lin, “Egocentric Activity Recognition with Multimodal Fisher Vector,” 41st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Shanghai, China, pp. 2717-2721, Mar 2016. [PDF] [BibTeX] [Database]

[34] B. Mandal, “Appearance based robot activity recognition system,” 14th International Conference on Control, Automation, Robotics and Vision, (ICARCV),  Phuket, Thailand, pp. 1-5, Nov 2016. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[33] B. Mandal and N. Ouarti , "Spontaneous vs. Posed smiles - can we tell the difference?", International Conference on Computer Vision and Image Processing (CVIP), Roorkee, India, vol. 460, pp. 261-271, Dec 2016. [PDF] [BibTex]


[32] G. Tian, Y. Wong, B. Mandal, V. Chandrasekhar and M. Kankanhalli, "Multi-sensor Self-Quantification of Presentations", ACM Multimedia (ACMMM), Brisbane, Australia, pp. 601-610, 26-30 Oct 2015. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[31] B. Mandal, Liyuan Li, V. Chandrasekhar and Joo Hwee Lim, "Whole Space Subclass Discriminant Analysis for Face Recognition", IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP), pp. 329-333, Quebec city, Canada, Sep 2015. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[30] S. Ching, B. Mandal, Q. Xu, Li Liyuan and J-H. Lim, "Enhancing Social Interaction with Seamless Face Recognition on Google Glass: Leveraging opportunistic multi-tasking on smart phones", 17th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services (MobileHCI), pp. 750-757, Aug 24-27, 2015 Copenhagen, Denmark. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[29] Q. Xu, M. Mukawa, Liyuan Li, J-H Lim, C. Tan, S. Ching, T. Gan and B. Mandal, "Exploring Users Attitudes towards Social Interaction Assistance on Google Glass", ACM 6th International Conference on Augmented Human (AH), pp. 9-12, Mar 2015. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[28] Rosary Lim, Mona R. Sayed, B. Mandal, K. Teck, L. Li and J-H. Lim, "Evaluating Human Performance in Dynamic Perspective Invariant Face Recognition", 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision (APCV), Singapore, Jul 2015. [PDF]

[27] Ana G. Molino, B. Mandal, Liyuan Li, and Lim Joo Hwee, "Organizing and Retrieving Episodic Memories from First Person View", 1st International Workshop on Wearable and Ego-vision Systems for Augmented Experience (WEsAX), Italy, pp. 1-6, Jul 2015. [PDF] [BibTeX]


[26] B. Mandal, S. Ching, Li Liyuan, V. Chandrasekhar, C.Tan and J-H. Lim, "A Wearable Face Recognition System on Google Glass for Assisting Social Interactions", 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Mobile and Egocentric Vision, ACCV, Singapore, pp. 419-433, 1-5 Nov 2014. (Oral) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[25] Tian Gan, Y. Wong, B. Mandal, V. Chandrasekhar, Liyuan Li, J-H Lim and M. Kankanhalli, "Recovering Social Interaction Spatial Structure from Multiple First-person Views", 3rd International Workshop on Socially-Aware Multimedia, ACM Multimedia, Orlando (FL), USA, pp. 7-12, Nov 2014. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[24] B. Mandal, Wang Zhikai, Liyuan Li and Ashraf A. Kassim, "Evaluation of Descriptors and Distance Measures on Benchmarks and First-Person-View Videos for Face Identification", International Workshop on Robust Local Descriptors for Computer Vision, ACCV, Singapore, pp. 585-599, 1-5 Nov 2014. (Oral) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[23] V. Chandrasekhar, W. Min, X. Li, C. Tan, B. Mandal, Liyuan Li and J-H. Lim, "Efficient Retrieval from Large-Scale Egocentric Visual Data Using a Sparse Graph Representation", Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop, Columbus, Ohio, USA, pp. 541-548, 23-28 Jun 2014. [PDF] [BibTeX]

[22] B. Mandal, Liyuan Li, W. Gang and V. Chandrasekhar and C. Tan, "Video Based Bus Driver Monitoring System", patent filing with ETPL Pte Ltd and A*STAR, Singapore, Feb-Apr 2014.

[21] B. Mandal, S. Ching, Li Liyuan, V. Chandrasekhar, C.Tan and J-H. Lim, “Wearable Cognitive Assistant on Google Glass for Social Interaction based on Face Recognition,” 3rd International Workshop on Intelligent Mobile and Egocentric Vision, ACCV, Singapore, 2 Nov 2014. (Workshop Demo) [Link]

[20] S. Ching, B. Mandal, V. Chandrasekhar, C. Tan, L. Li and J-H. Lim, “Real-time face detection and recognition on Google Glass,” Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) Workshop on Egocentric (First-person) Vision, Columbus, Ohio, USA, 23-28 Jun 2014. (Workshop Demo) [Link] [AVI]


[19] H. Lu, P. Yaozhang, B. Mandal, H. L. Eng, G. Cuntai and D.Chan, “Quantifying Limb Movements in Epileptic Seizuresthrough Color-based Video Analysis,” IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering (TBME), vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 461-469, Feb 2013. (Impact factor*: 4.288) [PDF] [BibTeX]


[18] B. Mandal and H. L. Eng, “Regularized Discriminant Analysis for Holistic Human Activity Recognition,” IEEE Intelligent Systems (IIS), vol. 27, no. 1, pp. 21-31, Jan-Feb 2012. (Impact factor: 2.596) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[17] B. Mandal, How-Lung Eng, Haiping Lu, D. W. S. Chan and Y.-L. Ng, “Non-intrusive Head Movement Analysis of Videotaped Seizures of Epileptic Origin,” in Proceedings of the 34th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'12), San Diego, California, USA, pp. 6060-6063, 28 Aug - 1 Sept, 2012. (Oral) [PDF] [BibTex]

[16] B. Mandal, D. Chan, How-Lung Eng, Haiping Lu and Yen-Ling Ng, “Optical flow information and video seizure recognition,” 12th International Child Neurology Congress (ICNC 2012), Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, vol. 54, pp. 10, Supplement 4, Brisbane, Australia, 27th May to 1st June 2012. (Poster) [PDF]

[15] D. Chan, Haiping Lu, B. Mandal, Yen-Ling Ng and How-Lung Eng, “Automated markerless video seizure detection,” 12th International Child Neurology Congress (ICNC 2012), Developmental Medicine & Child Neurology, vol. 54, Supplement 4, pp. 155, Brisbane, Australia, 27th May to 1st June 2012.(Oral/Platform) [PDF]


[14] Haiping Lu, H.-L. Eng, B. Mandal, D. W. S. Chan and Y.-L. Ng, “Markerless Video Analysis for Movement Quantification in Pediatric Epilepsy Monitoring,” in Proceedings of the 33rd Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC'11), Boston, Massachusetts, USA, pp. 8275-8278, 30 August-3 September, 2011. (Oral) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[13] Chan D., Lu H., Eng H-L., Mandal B., Ng Y-L., “Computerised video analysis and quantification of limb movements in automation of seizure detection in children,” 29th International Epilepsy Congress (IEC 2011), Epilepsia, Vol. 52, No. s6, pp. 214, Rome, Italy, 28 August-1 September, 2011. (Oral) [PDF]


[12] B. Mandal, X. D. Jiang, H. L. Eng and A. Kot, “Prediction of Eigenvalues and Regularization of Eigenfeatures for Human Face Verification,” Pattern Recognition Letters (PRL), vol. 31, no. 8, pp. 717-724, Jun 2010. (Impact factor: 1.954) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[11] B. Mandal and H. L. Eng, "3-parameter Based Eigenfeature Regularization for Human Activity Recognition," IEEE 35th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2010), Dallas, Texas, USA, pp. 954-957, 14-19 March 2010. (Poster) [PDF] [BibTeX]


[10] X. D. Jiang, B. Mandal and A. Kot, “Complete Discriminant Evaluation and Feature Extraction in Kernel Space for Face Recognition,” Machine Vision and Applications (MVA), Springer-Verlag, vol. 20, no. 1, pp. 35 – 46, January 2009. (Impact factor: 1.420) [PDF] [BibTeX]


[9] X. D. Jiang, B. Mandal and A. Kot, “Eigenfeature Regularization and Extraction in Face Recognition,” IEEE Transaction on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence (PAMI), vol. 30, no. 3, pp. 383 – 394, March 2008. (Impact factor: 9.455) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[8] B. Mandal, X. D. Jiang and A. Kot, “Verification of Human Faces Using Predicted Eigenvalues,” The 19th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2008), IAPR, Tempa, Florida, USA, pp. 1-4, 8-11 Dec 2008 (oral presentation). Received the Best Biometrics Student Paper Award from the International Association for Pattern Recognition (IAPR). (Oral) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[7] B. Mandal, X. D. Jiang and A. Kot, “Face Verification Using Modeled Eigenspectrum,” The Open Artificial Intelligence Journal, Bentham Open, vol. 2, no. 11, pp. 35 – 45, 2008. (Impact factor: NA) [PDF]


[6] B. Mandal, X. D. Jiang and A. Kot, “Dimensionality Reduction in Subspace Face Recognition,” IEEE Sixth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2007), pp. 1-5, Singapore, 10-13 December 2007. (Oral) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[5] X. D. Jiang, B. Mandal and A. Kot, “Face Recognition Based on Discriminant Evaluation in the Whole Space,” IEEE 32nd International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2007), Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, pp. 245-248, 15-20 April 2007. (Oral) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[4] B. Mandal, X. D. Jiang and A. Kot, “Kernel Fisher Discriminant Analysis in Full Eigenspace,” International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition (IPCV 2007), Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, pp. 235-241, 25-28 June 2007. (Oral) [PDF] [BibTex]


[3] X. D. Jiang, B. Mandal and A. Kot, “Enhanced Maximum Likelihood Face Recognition,” IEE Electronics Letters, vol. 42, no. 19, pp. 1089-1090, September 2006. (Impact factor: 1.232) [PDF] [BibTeX]

[2] B. Mandal, X. D. Jiang and A. Kot, “Multi-scale Feature Extraction for Face Recognition,” IEEE International Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA 2006), Singapore, pp. 1-6, 24-26 May 2006 (invited paper). (Oral) [PDF] [BibTeX]


[1] X. D. Jiang, B. Mandal and A. Kot, “Improved Bayesian Approach for Face Recognition,” IEEE Fifth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS 2005), Bangkok, Thailand, pp. 162-166, 6-9 December 2005. (Oral) [PDF]