Club Rules and Constitution

Rules of a registered member's club

Completely revised December 2006

1. Name

The Club is called The Bangor Ex-Services Club, 47-51 High Street, Bangor, County Down, BT20 5BE.

2. Objects

2.1 The objects of the Club are:

2.1.1 to perpetuate the comradeship and public spirit of former serving members of H.M.Forces.

2.1.2 to promote social and cultural intercourse among members.

2.1.3 to promote the raising of funds for such Charitable Organisations as shall be directed by members of the Club.

2.2 The provision and maintenance of the Club premises and

2.3 all other lawful things as are incidental to or are considered by the management committee to be desirable or

conducive to the attainment of the foregoing objects of the Club.

2.4 The Club shall be democratic and non-sectarian, and shall neither be affiliated nor connected directly with any

political party or organisation.

3. Classification of Members

The Membership of the Club shall consist of the following classifications:

3.1 Ordinary Members : Shall be persons of 18 years or over who are admitted to full membership of the Club and have

full voting rights in the affairs and management of the Club

3.2 Founder Members: Ordinary Members who joined the Club before 31st December 1947.

3.3 Associate (General) Members: Shall be persons of 18 years or over who shall have no voting rights in the affairs and

management of the Club

3.4 Associate (Family) Members: Shall be persons of 18 years or over, being the husband or wife or son or daughter of a

Founder or Ordinary Member, and who shall have no voting rights in the affairs and management of the Club

3.5 Honorary Members: Shall be persons appointed by the Club as Honorary Members and who qualify in accordance

with Rule 4.5.

3.5.1 There shall not be more than eight Honorary Members at any one time

3.5.2 Honorary Members shall not pay any entrance fee or subscription

3.5.3 Honorary Members shall be entitled to all the benefits and privileges of membership except that they shall not

be qualified to be Officers or members of the Committee, or to vote as members, or to claim any share of the property

of the Club on its dissolution.

3.6 The number of Members not carrying voting rights in the affairs and management of the Club , namely Honorary

Members, Associate (General) Members and Associate (Family) Members shall not be more than three times the

number of members having such rights, namely Founder and Ordinary Members

4. Qualification for Membership

4.1 Qualification for Ordinary Membership: Former members of H.M.Forces who have been discharged with honour,

or members of H.M.Reserve and Auxiliary Forces/Services who are subject to mobilisation in time of war and/or

of tension and who are committed to a regular training programme and who have completed not less than one years

service, or Former members of the Merchant Naval Service who served between 1st September 1939 and 31st

December 1945 or who have been awarded the Falklands Medal, or Former Associate Members who have served

the Club with distinction and good conduct over a number of years, and have been proposed by one of the three

Officers of the Club. The three Officers must then vote unanimously in the nominees favour prior to consideration by

the General Committee

4.2 Qualification for Founder Members: Ordinary members who joined the Club before 31st December 1947.

4.3 Qualification for Associate (General) Membership: Anyone who is 18 years or over who is interested in the objects of

the Club

4.4 Qualification for Associate (Family ) Membership: The Husband or wife or son or daughter of a Founder or Ordinary

Member who is 18 years or over and who is interested in the objects of the Club

4.5 Qualification for Honorary Members:Members who have served the Club with distinction and good conduct over a

number of years.

5. Admission of members

5.1 All members must be admitted by election by the Management Committee.

5.2 A candidate for election who receives the votes of the majority of the Committee must be declared elected

5.3 No person shall be admitted as a member, if, in the opinionof the Committee, shown by simple majority, his or her

character or conduct is such as to be injurious to, or prejudicial to,the interests of the Club or for any reasonable

cause the Committee shall decide that such person would not be a desirable member of the Club. If two or more

written objections are received from members under Rule 8.3. a candidate's nomination is declared void.

5.4 Any person dismissed from employment by the Club shall not be allowed membership of the Club or introduced

as a visitor.

5.5 A maximum of ten candidates may be elected as Associate members in any one month.

5.6 Persons being considered for membership shall be requested to attend the Club to meet with representatives of

the Committee. The purpose of this meeting is to ensure that the applicant is aware of the responsibilities that

membership of the Club entails, and any other relevant matters.

5.7 On the recommendation of the Committee, the Annual General Meeting may elect persons who have rendered special

service to the Club, and who qualify in accordance with Rule 4.5, Honorary Members for life

5.8 There will be an embargo on new memberships during the months of September and October for clerical purposes

6 Proposal of candidates

6.1 Every candidate for admission as an Ordinary or Associate member must have visited the Club on at least six occasions

as per the visitors book, before a nomination form for the candidate can be requested by a Club member. Every candidate

must be proposed and seconded by Founder or Ordinary members, (both of who must be able to vouch for the fitness of

the candidate from their personal knowledge).

6.2 A candidate must be proposed by forwarding the full name and address of the proposed member on a nomination

form signed by the candidate, the proposer and the seconder, to the Secretary (accompanied by the appropriate

subscription and entrance fee) not less than two weeks before the date of election.

6.3 If at the time a candidate has been duly proposed the Committee has decided that the membership list(s) are closed for the time being, the proposed member's name shall be placed on a waiting list of prospective members.

7. Substitution of proposer or seconder

7.1 If a proposer or a seconder ceases to be a member before a candidate comes up for election, another proposer or seconder, as the case may be, may be substituted not later than 2 days before the candidate comes up for election, at the discretion of the Committee

7.2 If a proposer or a seconder wishes to withdraw his name, he may do so, subject to any regulations that the Committee may at time prescribe, and another proposer or seconder may be substituted not later than 2 days before the day when the candidate comes up for election at the discretion of the Committee

8 Time of Nomination and Posting of particulars of candidates
