Windmill Farm Nature Reserve is a 200 acre site on The Lizard comprises grassland and heath land with some scrub, bog, swamp, and hedgerow. The construction of two ponds and a scrape have provided habitat, together with arable crops for birds. The adult marsh fritillary may be seen on the wing from mid-April to July. The reserve contains a 17th-century windmill, Bronze Age barrows, and Second World War pillboxes. The site that is jointly owned by Cornwall Wildlife Trust (CWT) and Cornwall Bird watching and Preservation Society (CBWPS). The reserve is of interest to naturalists but also has a rich archaeological heritage ranging from Bronze Age Remains, Mediaeval field boundaries, 18th Century tenements and crofts, WW2 pillboxes and the famous Lizard landmark - the Windmill itself. The reserve is managed and run by the CWT, CBWPS and a small group of local volunteers.

Doug Wright a volunteer at Windmill Farm meeting some of the Balwest Society members will be leading the walk around the nature reserve

First a visit to the visitor center

Then on to the old Windmill now used as a observation outlook

Doug telling the history of the site

Unfortunately visibility poor this evening

More site information and a general chat

Last man through please shut the gate

Wild flowers

Common adders

The disused runway of RAF Predannack operational 1941-1946

Control tower

Pill box 2nd World War

Control tower,

Part of RNAS Culdrose

Observation hut for bird watching