The walk was lead by Steve Polglase and followed a similar route as shown on the CP information board

After such a long spell of fine weather all was changed by the evening of our walk on Tregonning Hill, but a few members braved the weather to attend. We assembled at the CP at the foot of Godolphin Hill

A short walk from the CP path took us to the stile leading to an area of the Hill known as the Warren

Continuing up the hill ferns were very much the predominant vegetation but some colour could be found

Nearing the top a stop to take in the view

Leeds Engine House Wheal Junket

Tregonning hill

This mound of which there thought to be 5 on the hill known as Pillar or Pillow mounds are purpose built to attract rabbits to make their nest in and do what rabbits do best. With the help from a ferret this then become an important food source.

Steve pointed out a tin bound marker stone showing the limit for Great Works mine

Being near the top of the hill this pit even with such a dry spell had some mud

in the bottom and is thought to be a well dating back to the Bronze age

Steve relaxing in the giants chair

Dark clouds threatening time to get off the top of the hill