Creatures 3 Agents

C3 Eggonicer

The C3 Eggonicer is an ancient steam powered egg handler and creature population monitor used by the Shee.

It can handle Norn, Ettin & Grendel Eggs.

It works by teleporting any eggs it finds to the Eggonicer Cryovat and freezing them.

By doing this it keeps all the eggs in the world frozen and in one place.

It then checks each of the Norn, Ettin & Grendel populations against user set values.

Thawing & teleporting an egg one at a time when needed to the their corresponding Eggceptor ready to hatch.

As a bonus this will allow you to keep in check over population of any of the three types of creature.


Compatibility: C3.

C3 Eggonicer

Countdown Timer

What can I say, it's a Countdown Timer ;-)

This agent is really two Timers in one.

When the button is..


It will countdown when it receives an input through the Input Port.

When it reaches 0 it will reset and stop until it receives another input.


It will countdown until it reaches 0, reset and start over again.

Click on the bottom display to enter the initial value. When the Timer reaches 0, it will send 255 to the output port."


Compatibility: C3, DS, C3+DS

Countdown Timer

Legend: DS= Docking Station. DS+C3= Docking Station Docked With Creatures 3. C3= Creatures 3.