
Robin egg life


Robin Egg Life


the following is the exact email i sent my brother when i passed it on to him. he gets almost every song i write via email for the brother nod.

"Once upon a time, i was wanting and yearning to own clothes from Anthropologie (this is a super cool clothing catalog).  And by once i mean tonight.  So anyway i was looking at all the clothes thinking that someday maybe i could sew well enough to try to make some of the clothes. then i said to myself pshhht. yeah right. Later on and by later I mean right away, i decided that i should write a song including the image of this old robin egg blue truck that is in the July catalog. see below. well anyway i was all, dang it. what else should i write about? all my themes are dried up like rivers and whatnot. so i just kept looking at the catalog until page 15 whererin lies the most adorable coat known by me at this point in time.  So there. that was it. i decided that i would write a song about what was on each page of that darn wonderful catalog until page 15 and what resulted was this oddly 50's country song. what say? then end."

PS- the odd 50's reference is not what i ended up keeping. it was a different take on the song which you will not hear here.

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