

Gaybo Limited sponsored by providing a "Vyneck" kayak. (designed by Nigel Foster and Keith Robinson). It was translucent amber in color, with a "glitter-finish" deck. This kayak was fitted with compass, foot-pump, and deck-mounted hand-pump.


2 x Lendal asymmetric"Nordkapp" paddles, courtesy of Alistair Wilson of Lendal, Scotland.

The paddles had fiberglass shafts with blades of laminated wood veneer.

Paddling clothing

Neoprene long-john, fleece sweater and Damart underlayer, anorak, wool hat.

Camping equipment


Phazor dome tent. Valences sewn around the base of the flysheet made it possible to pitch the tent without stakes, using rocks or driftwood.


A petrol (gasoline) stove by Optimus, burning automobile fuel. Teflon-coated cooking pots with a steamer.

Sleeping bag;

Ultimate 30 winks. Fibre-filled.

Sleeping mat

Karrimat foam pad


All food was packed for an expected four weeks as resupply would be impossible. Freeze-dried main meals, rolled oats, cheese, chocolate, dried fruit and nuts, fruit cake and honey made up the main menu, with cocoa, tea and powdered coffee.


Headlamp with spare bulbs and battery.

Large candle

Repair kit

First aid

Insect repellent (Deet) and antihystamine.)

Fishing line, hooks, lures, and weights.



Watercolor paint box with brushes and sketch book

Camera and film


Watertight boxes sponsored by Tupperware to carry film, books and other items that needed to be kept dry and not squashed. Home-made waterproof nylon dry-bags with polythene inner linings were used for most everything else.


Rifle; bolt action 3006, with ammunition.